• I know that final Gutenberg code has yet be be released, but Recipe Card Blocks by WPZOOM looks like a great first step in the right direction for where WordPress is going. With a few (OK, a lot) of custom CSS tweaks, I was able to get my fledgling food blog completely up and running in a Gutenberg/WordPress environment. They’d get me to up the review up to 5 stars if they’d introduce the ability to have photo uploads with the step by step instructions—but it sounds like the developers at WPZOOM are already considering that.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by onyudo. Reason: needed to clarify something in the title
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  • Plugin Author Pavel Ciorici


    @onyudo Thanks for your feedback!

    We’ve just released version 2.0, which includes a new fully-functional block to add a Recipe Card with schema markup and which allows to upload images in directions area.

    Would like to hear your thoughts about the new version.

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