Great plugin to group work on a genealogy tree
I have set up a WordPress site with the WP Family Tree plugin. A couple of our family members from different geographical locations are entering genealogy data to the WP database. So far we have entered 350 living and past members from several related families. The WP Family Tree plugin works great and fast, it allows to show small and large graphical trees, easy navigate from a tree of one family to another tree of a spouse or ancestor given. I can imagine a few improvements to the plugin, but nevertheless I give it 5 stars and I am very thankful to the author of this software. God bless you!
There is only one limitation we have encountered so far that the WP Family Tree plugin is unable to show on a tree certain family relations. To show you what I am talking about let’s assume that there is Grandfather. He is father of two sons: Father A and Father B. Father A has two children: Son A and Daughter A. Also, Father B has two children: Son B and Daughter B. We can add Wife of Son B and Husband of Daughter A – the tree looks ok:
After we make Son A the spouse of Daughter B the tree is messed up. is the real situation in our family (they were married at the age of 70). Such a marrage of two related persons may occur also in a couple of generations later. In my opinion in such a case the plugin might draw each person twice in two different branches of the tree. In the example above – the branch of Father A should have shown Daughter B beside Son A, and the branch of Father B should have shown Son A beside Daughter B. Maybe it is possible to show it other way. I hope the next version of the plugin will handle such connections in a family ??
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