• This is the only plugin I have found that will let me add non-standard links and completely customize the icon set.

    I have modified the cn-social-icons shortcode to add many parameters so that the output can be customized differently for each instance, if needed. Perhaps this could be included in a future release.

    Here is the code:

    /* Modified version of [cn-social-icons] from Easy Social Icons plugin.
     * Added all the parameters to the shortcode.  All parameters are optional.
     * Description:  Returns an unordered list of icons and optional labels as
     *       defined in 'Easy Social Icon'->'Add Icons'.
     * Usage: [cg_social_icons
     *          width=nn
     *          height=nn
     *          margin=nn
     *          rows=nn
     *          vertical=[yes|no]
     *          text_align=[left|center|right]
     *          labels=[yes|no]
     *          icons=[all|(csv list of icon titles)]
     *          class=[class_name]
     *       ]
     * Parameters:
     *    width -
     *       The width in pixels for the icons. Example: width=16
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    height -
     *       The height in pixels for the icons. Example: height=16
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    margin -
     *       The margin in pixels around the icons. Left and right
     *       margins will be set to 1/2 this value.
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    rows  -
     *       The number of rows of icons (unused).
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    vertical -
     *       The vertical or horizontal display of the icons.
     *       If set to 'yes', the icons will be displayed vertically.
     *       If set to 'no', the icons will be displayed horizontally.
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    text_align  -
     *       Alignment of the icons.
     *       If set to 'left', the icons will be aligned left.
     *       If set to 'center', the icons will be aligned center.
     *       If set to 'right', the icons will be aligned right.
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    labels   -
     *       Option to print the Icon Title as a label for the icons.
     *       If set to 'yes', the labels will be printed.
     *       Default is 'no'.
     *    icons -
     *       An optional comma separated list of Icon Titles to print.
     *       If specified, icons will be printed in the order listed.
     *       If omitted, or set to 'all', all icons will be printed in
     *       the order set in 'Easy Social Icon'->'Sort Icons'.
     *    class -
     *       An optional class name to be added to the '<ul>' tag in
     *       addition to the class 'cnss-social-icon' which is always
     *       added.
     *       Default is none.
    function cg_social_icons_fn( $atts ) {
       global $wpdb,$baseURL;
    	$attrs = shortcode_atts( array(
    	   'width'        => get_option('cnss-width'),
    	   'height'       => get_option('cnss-height'),
    	   'margin'       => get_option('cnss-margin'),
    	   'rows'         => get_option('cnss-row-count'),
    	   'vertical'     => 'default',
    	   'text_align'   => get_option('cnss-text-align'),
    	   'labels'       => 'no',
    	   'icons'        => 'all',
    	   'class'        => '',
    	extract( $attrs );
    	if ( $vertical == 'default' ) {
    	   $vorh = get_option('cnss-vertical-horizontal');
    	} else {
    	   $vorh = ($vertical == 'yes') ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
    	// Convert icons list to csv for use in sql IN clause, if necessary
    	if ( $icons == 'all' ) {
    	   $post_title_sql = ' 1 = 1 ';
    	} else {
    	   $icon_names = explode( ',', strtolower($icons) );
    	   $icon_names = array_map( 'trim', $icon_names );
    	   $icon_list = '"' . implode( '","', $icon_names) . '"';
    	   $post_title_sql = ' LOWER(title) IN (' . $icon_list . ') ';
    	$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "cn_social_icon";
    	$image_file_path = $baseURL;
    	$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table_name." WHERE $post_title_sql AND image_url<>'' AND url<>'' ORDER BY sortorder";
    	$video_info = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    	$icon_count = count($video_info);
    	// Sort in order of icons parameter, if needed
    	$out = '';
    	if ( $video_info ) {
    		if ( $icons != 'all' ) {
             usort($video_info, function($a, $b) use ($icon_names) {
                return array_search(strtolower($a->title), $icon_names) - array_search(strtolower($b->title), $icon_names); }
          $_collectionSize = count($video_info);
          $_rowCount = $rows ? $rows : 1;
          $_columnCount = ceil($_collectionSize/$_rowCount);
          $li_margin = round($margin/2);
          echo '<ul class="cnss-social-icon ' . $class . '" style="text-align:'.$text_align.';">';
          foreach($video_info as $icon) {
    		   if(strpos($icon->image_url,'/')===false) {
    		      $image_url = $image_file_path.'/'.$icon->image_url;
    		   } else {
    		      $image_url = $icon->image_url;
    		   ?><li class="<?php echo format_title($icon->title); ?>" style=" <?php echo $vorh=='horizontal'?'display:inline-block;':''; ?>">
    		      <a <?php echo ($icon->target==1)?'target="_blank"':'' ?> title="<?php echo $icon->title ?>" href="<?php echo $icon->url ?>"><img src="<?php echo $image_url?>" border="0" width="<?php echo $width ?>" height="<?php echo $height ?>" alt="<?php echo $icon->title ?>" style=" <?php echo 'margin:'.$li_margin.'px;'; ?>" />
    		         <?php echo ($labels == 'yes') ? $icon->title : '';?>
    	   echo '</ul>';
    	   $out = ob_get_contents();
    	return $out;
    add_shortcode( 'cg-social-icons', 'cg_social_icons_fn' );


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  • Thread Starter vtxyzzy


    Here is an updated version of the shortcode function. It corrects a few bugs and adds support for the ‘rows’ parameter.

    /* Modified version of [cn-social-icons] from Easy Social Icons plugin.
     * Added all the parameters to the shortcode.  All parameters are optional.
     * Description:  Returns an unordered list of icons and optional labels as
     *       defined in 'Easy Social Icon'->'Add Icons'.
     * Usage: [cg_social_icons
     *          width=nn
     *          height=nn
     *          margin=nn
     *          rows=nn
     *          vertical=[yes|no]
     *          text_align=[left|center|right]
     *          labels=[yes|no]
     *          icons=[all|(csv list of icon titles)]
     *          class=[class_name]
     *       ]
     * Parameters:
     *    width -
     *       The width in pixels for the icons. Example: width=16
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    height -
     *       The height in pixels for the icons. Example: height=16
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    margin -
     *       The margin is is the gap in pixels between the icons.
     *       Left and right margins will be set to 1/2 this value.
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    rows  -
     *       The number of rows of icons.
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    vertical -
     *       The vertical or horizontal display of the icons.
     *       If set to 'yes', the icons will be displayed vertically.
     *       If set to 'no', the icons will be displayed horizontally.
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    text_align  -
     *       Alignment of the icons.
     *       If set to 'left', the icons will be aligned left.
     *       If set to 'center', the icons will be aligned center.
     *       If set to 'right', the icons will be aligned right.
     *       Default is the value set in 'Easy Social Icon'->Options.
     *    labels   -
     *       Option to print the Icon Title as a label for the icons.
     *       If set to 'yes', the labels will be printed.
     *       Default is 'no'.
     *    icons -
     *       An optional comma separated list of Icon Titles to print.
     *       If specified, icons will be printed in the order listed.
     *       If omitted, or set to 'all', all icons will be printed in
     *       the order set in 'Easy Social Icon'->'Sort Icons'.
     *    class -
     *       An optional class name to be added to the '<ul>' tag in
     *       addition to the class 'cnss-social-icon' which is always
     *       added.
     *       Default is none.
    function cg_social_icons_fn( $atts ) {
       global $wpdb,$baseURL;
    	$attrs = shortcode_atts( array(
    	   'width'        => get_option('cnss-width'),
    	   'height'       => get_option('cnss-height'),
    	   'margin'       => get_option('cnss-margin'),
    	   'rows'         => get_option('cnss-row-count'),
    	   'vertical'     => 'default',
    	   'text_align'   => get_option('cnss-text-align'),
    	   'labels'       => 'no',
    	   'icons'        => 'all',
    	   'class'        => '',
    	extract( $attrs );
    	$width = intval($width);
    	$height = intval($height);
    	$margin = intval($margin);
    	$rows = intval($rows);
    	$vertical = strtolower($vertical);
    	$text_align = strtolower($text_align);
    	$labels = strtolower($labels);
    	$icons = strtolower($icons);
    	if ( $vertical == 'default' ) {
    	   $vorh = get_option('cnss-vertical-horizontal');
    	} else {
    	   $vorh = ($vertical == 'yes') ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
    	$text_align = ($text_align == 'right') ? 'right' : (($text_align == 'center') ? 'center' : 'left');
    	$labels = ($labels == 'yes') ? 'yes' : 'no';
    	// Convert icons list to csv for use in sql IN clause, if necessary
    	if ( $icons == 'all' ) {
    	   $post_title_sql = ' 1 = 1 ';
    	} else {
    	   $icon_names = explode( ',', $icons );
    	   $icon_names = array_map( 'trim', $icon_names );
    	   $icon_names_esc = array_map( 'esc_sql', $icon_names );
    	   $icon_list = '"' . implode( '","', $icon_names_esc) . '"';
    	   $post_title_sql = " LOWER(title) IN ( $icon_list ) ";
    	$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "cn_social_icon";
    	$image_file_path = $baseURL;
    	$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table_name." WHERE $post_title_sql AND image_url<>'' AND url<>'' ORDER BY sortorder";
    	$video_info = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    	$out = '';
    	if ( $video_info ) {
    		// Sort in order of icons parameter, if needed
    		if ( $icons != 'all' ) {
             usort($video_info, function($a, $b) use ($icon_names) {
                return array_search(strtolower($a->title), $icon_names) - array_search(strtolower($b->title), $icon_names); }
          $_collectionSize = count($video_info);
          $_rowCount = $rows ? $rows : 1;
          $_columnCount = ceil($_collectionSize/$_rowCount);
          $vorh = ($_columnCount == 1) ? 'vertical' : $vorh;
          $li_margin = round($margin/2);
          echo "\n" . '<ul class="cnss-social-icon ' . $class . '" style="text-align:'.$text_align.';">' . "\n";;
          foreach($video_info as $icon) {
             if ( $vorh == 'horizontal' && ((++$i % $_columnCount) == 1 || $_columnCount == 1)) {
                if ( $i > 1 ) {
                   echo "</ul>\n";
                   echo '<ul class="cnss-social-icon ' . $class . '" style="text-align:'.$text_align.';">' . "\n";
    		   if(strpos($icon->image_url,'/')===false) {
    		      $image_url = $image_file_path.'/'.$icon->image_url;
    		   } else {
    		      $image_url = $icon->image_url;
    		   <li class="<?php echo format_title($icon->title); ?>" style=" <?php echo $vorh=='horizontal'?'display:inline-block;':''; ?>">
    		      <a <?php echo ($icon->target==1)?'target="_blank"':'' ?> title="<?php echo $icon->title ?>" href="<?php echo esc_url($icon->url); ?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url($image_url); ?>" border="0" width="<?php echo $width ?>" height="<?php echo $height ?>" alt="<?php echo $icon->title ?>" style=" <?php echo 'margin:'.$li_margin.'px;'; ?>" />
    		         <?php echo ($labels == 'yes') ? $icon->title : '';?>
    		   echo "\n"; // For source readability
    	   echo "</ul>\n";
    	   $out = ob_get_contents();
    	return $out;
    add_shortcode( 'cg-social-icons', 'cg_social_icons_fn' );
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