• Adam


    Okay, look. I’m a big fan of freebies. Most of my sites run primarily on freebies, and I include a list of credits for each, to be fair, and to say thanks.

    But being a cheapskate makes me all the more sensitive to the difference you can expect between a freebie and a paid plugin. I use some premium items because ultimately, it’s cheaper for me. I can offer more; I can do it in less time; they break less often; and when they do, there’s someone willing to help me out.

    Now, WP to Twitter. The free version is like a beefed-up version of Jetpack’s module, or any of another $5–$15 jobs out there. It offers way more ways to customize your tweets, including bells and whistles you may use.

    I paid for the Pro version because it does something no other plugin does: re-posting to Twitter a certain number of times, at intervals, later in the day. I don’t know how this isn’t a market unto itself, but Joe appears to be one of two folks thinking this way, and the other one isn’t worth linking to. I can schedule a post for the morning, and be assured it’ll show up on Twitter up to 4 times that day, evenly spaced and each tweet slightly distinguished from the last. Super-awesome. The free version is worth paying for, and the paid version is worth paying more for.

    But Joe’s support is what’s really spectacular.

    1. He’s fast. I sent an email; he was back with me in under an hour. For two days we exchanged emails; he ran diagnostics and debugged on my server and in WP. Wow.
    2. He’s polite. Never in all the back-and-forth did I feel disrespected or cheapened. That’s hard to do in any context, but seems especially hard for techies.
    3. He’s committed. He made no overtures of walking away till everything was working. He evenly weighted the possibility that something was wrong on my end, with WP, or with his plugin. (That he maintains a doc of known plugin conflicts confirms that.)

    Again, great plugin. Even better support.

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  • That is one STELLAR REVIEW man!

    I’m looking to get the PRO developer’s license so i can have it part of my web & marketing packages. I never got to use WP to Twitter though. I installed it and was so amazed at all the options I just knew it was awesome, lol. It was a little too much for me to dive into though at the time with clients who didn’t need that much and I had no price set up for such. And seeing it constantly over time updated and expounded, I was coming by to download it, go through it, understand it more and get the developer’s license. Can’t Wait! — Oh in my time I’ve also noticed that there seems to be no other Twitter plugin that offers the options WP to Twitter does, not even close. That is why I knew this was my first stop. I’ve never seen a free or premium author have a set up like this for Twitter.

    Again, great review!

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