• After some searching and testing I found this simple plugin to be really great tool for a WordPress site developer. It’s easy to start using, implement and modify. It’s search engine friendly. And even though it’s free, Nate-the-plugin-developer was very helpful with my questions. ?? I would say the only downside is the very brief documentation.

    Couple of pointers to people using this plugin:

    • Check the looks of the /reviews page created by the plugin.
      You can override the default with a new archive-grfwp-review.php template file.
    • Check also the individual review page at /review/your-single-review-url especially if you have been using review categories.
      You can override the default with a new single-grfwp-review.php template file.

    These pages will be indexed by search engines and they might look odd in your theme.

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