• I have three custom posts types.

    If there is content that is related across post types it displays it.

    Is there no way for me to restrict related pots on a single to a specific custom post type at all?


    Say you have Audio and Video, and I want to show related videos, currently if for some reason Audio is related it will show that as well, but I do not want that too happen.


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  • @mcm — Thanks for using nRelate on your site! Sorry if I’m not understanding the issue correctly, but it sounds like you want to only show related Audio recommendations on the rest of your Audio posts (and only related Videos on your Video posts) — correct? Unfortunately, we don’t support the ability to do this right now. However, this is a great feature request and I’ve sent it over to our tech team to see what we can do about restricting related recommendations based on category, custom post type, or other. Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated so thank you!

    [ Signature moderated. ]

    Thread Starter MCM


    Yes you have it spot on.

    My website is effectively four blogs in one.

    e.g. Video Blog/Cms is separated from the Standard Blog, separated from the Audio Blog/Cms etc.

    I do not want users reading my blog to get related material from my Video Blog and vice versa.

    YARPP, has support for custom posts where for a single of a custom post you can say related posts and pass params to the function call to specify which custom post types and/or ctax’s with weights that you want to use.

    I hope that makes more sense now.

    @mcm — Thanks for further clarification. I’ve sent it over to tech team and hopefully we can start offering a feature like this in a future build.

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