• Resolved CineWars


    Hello, I tried your plugin and loved it, I mean, REALLY loved it, but when activated it causes a conflict with a plugin I use, Echo RSS Feed Post Generator Plugin for WordPress, in which the plugin stops working.

    Here is the error log from that plugin:

    `[15-Aug-2022 14:00:38 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e504537980.74463418
    [15-Aug-2022 14:59:47 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e504537980.74463418
    [15-Aug-2022 15:00:35 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e7dba94ca9.13626347
    [15-Aug-2022 16:00:36 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e504537980.74463418
    [15-Aug-2022 16:02:07 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e7dba94ca9.13626347
    [15-Aug-2022 16:59:44 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e504537980.74463418
    [15-Aug-2022 17:59:51 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e504537980.74463418
    [15-Aug-2022 18:00:36 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e7dba94ca9.13626347
    [15-Aug-2022 19:00:10 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e504537980.74463418
    [15-Aug-2022 19:00:37 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e7dba94ca9.13626347
    [15-Aug-2022 20:00:16 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e504537980.74463418
    [15-Aug-2022 20:00:34 Europe/London] [FATAL] Exit error: Trait “Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait” not found, file: /homepages/25/d920239157/htdocs/clickandbuilds/BackwardsandBeyond/wp-content/plugins/rss-feed-post-generator-echo/res/readability/Configuration.php, line: 12 – rule ID: 62f9e7dba94ca9.13626347`

    I contacted the plugin support and was told the following:


    I checked your site and the issue is caused by the ‘Lumière! Movies’ plugin you have active on your site. This plugin uses an older version of the same library which my plugin also uses, which causes conflicts, as they seem to manage to load the library before my plugin runs. Because of this, my plugin is unable to work correctly when this plugin is also active.

    To fix this, the only option is to deactivate the ‘Lumière! Movies’ plugin. You can also try to contact the support of this plugin and ask them to update the ‘Psr\Log\LoggerInterface’ module they are using in their plugin to the latest version`

    Now, unfortunately, I have had to deactivate your plugin so the other one can work but I would REALLY like to use this plaugin.

    Is there any chance of doing as CodeRevolution asks and update the ‘Psr\Log\LoggerInterface’ module

    Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • Plugin Author JCV


    Updated to 3.9.1. Unless I’m mistaken, your version was already at 3.9 but it just couldn’t be activated. After this new version, it should be ok. I extensively tested the new version, but I have a limited number of environment for running my tests.

    It remains a mystery to me why you could use the debug file but when updating the update process got stuck because it couldn’t find a debug file. But I can’t replicate the behaviour on wordpress.com, since I haven’t a paid account that would allow me to install plugins.

    Some technical info:
    1/ The debug file will be written under the WP standard name (wp-content/debug.log) or if it fails inside the plugin folder. But this is probably useless info. No consequences for you.
    2/ More usefull info is the process for creating the cache folder. Lumière first attempts to create it in the WP standard folder (wp-content/cache/). If it fails, the cache will be created inside the plugin’s folder (wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/cache). It is a suboptimal solution, since the cache will be deleted at every plugin’s update.
    3/ However, should you find a less secured folder (I still don’t understand why wordpress.com doesn’t allow to write cache in wp-content/cache… it’s their standard!), you could use it. Just change the cache folder path in “cache management – manage cache” in WP admin options (after the pictures of your cache). So this way you can use a more appropriate location to save your cache and when Lumière is updated it will not delete the cache.

    Hope these solutions can work for you in your environment. I should check how the mainstream cache plugins proceed in writing their cache, but that’s thousands of lines of code and I’m quite busy atm.

    Thanks a lot for reporting your issues, in doing so you helped my plugin to be more versatile. Should you have any further problem, please don’t hesitate to report it!

    Thread Starter CineWars


    I’m still getting errors ??

    But, some good news from wordpress:

    As a side note, if the plugin author wants to test their plugin on WordPress.com and find out how to adapt it to our platform, they can reach out to us at https://wordpress.com/support/developers/

    Plugin Author JCV


    I used the form.

    What error do you get?

    Thread Starter CineWars


    Just the same

    `[INFO] [Lumiere][config][cachefolder] Alternative cache folder /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/cache created.
    [INFO] [Lumiere][config][cachefolder] Alternative cache image folder /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/cache/images created.
    [Lumière options] Array ( [imdbplugindirectory_partial] => /wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/ [imdbpluginpath] => /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/ [imdburlpopups] => /lumiere/ [imdbkeepsettings] => 1 [imdburlstringtaxo] => lumiere- [imdbcoversize] => 1 [imdbcoversizewidth] => 300 [imdbmaxresults] => 10 [imdbpopuptheme] => lightgrey [imdbpopuplarg] => 540 [imdbpopuplong] => 350 [imdbintotheposttheme] => grey [imdblinkingkill] => 0 [imdbautopostwidget] => 0 [imdblanguage] => en [imdbdebug] => 1 [imdbdebuglog] => 1 [imdbdebuglogpath] => /wordpress/core/6.0.1/wp-content/debug.log [imdbdebuglevel] => DEBUG [imdbdebugscreen] => 1 [imdbwordpress_bigmenu] => 0 [imdbwordpress_tooladminmenu] => 1 [imdbpopup_modal_window] => classic [imdbtaxonomy] => 1 [imdbHowManyUpdates] => 12 [imdbseriemovies] => movies+series [imdbplugindirectory] => https://cinetvstream.news/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/ [options_general_check] => 8dfe62edb6 [_wp_http_referer] => /wp-admin/admin.php?page=lumiere_options&generaloption=advanced ) [/Lumière options]`

    But doing a search gets this:

    [CRITICAL] [Cache] Configured cache directory [/wordpress/core/6.1//srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/lumiere-movies/cache] does not exist!
    There has been a critical error on this website.

    Plugin Author JCV


    So it’s better: you actually can activate the plugin now!
    1/ since the paths are different (first and last lines) I suspect an issue related to wordpress multisites. I can’t test such environment, but I’m waiting on wordpress response for the allowing me to test my plugin on wordpress.com
    2/ Can you try to disable the cache?

    Thread Starter CineWars


    I tried, no difference.

    But wp.com did get back to me and said:

    If they want, they can also try contacting us at https://wordpress.com/help/contact and mention the ticket number 5667230-zen so my colleagues know it’s related to your situation in this thread.

    So, we may yet get to the bottom of this and your plugin will work on both .org and .com

    And they also said this

    grant them access to WordPress.com Business Plan so they can test their plugin and see how they can adapt it to work with WordPress.com environment.

    Plugin Author JCV


    I think I found a working solution.

    I’m waiting on wp.com to give me a business account, I was already talking to them. As soon as I tested if my fix works, will release a new version.

    Thread Starter CineWars


    Sounds promising JCV ??

    Plugin Author JCV


    Done. I took advantage of fixing a few more bugs that happen on wp.com environment.

    Important: you probably will have to change manually the cache path. Make sure you put something like “/cache/lumiere/”. Trailing slashes are important. Once you change it, cache will work.
    (Technical note, for people who will read this thread: the selected folder will always be located into “wp-content”)

    Upon your confirmation, I will close the thread.

    Thread Starter CineWars


    *Happy Sigh*

    Working now my friend.


    Thank You so much.

    Plugin Author JCV


    I’m very glad to know it works!

    Thanks my friend for your gift, very appreciated.

    Should you face any issue, don’t hesitate to report back here!


    Thread Starter CineWars



    Just one quick question.

    How do I use the Widget? I cannot find it in my list of Widgets to put in the menu.

    Plugin Author JCV


    Hi Stephen,

    For the sake of clarity, could you open a new thread?

    Please provide the theme you use in the message and whether you see “widget unactivated” near “Data management” (top line of options in any Lumière options page) in Lumière admin options.

    Thread Starter CineWars


    No problem ??

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