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  • Plugin Author Tammie Lister


    First, thanks for taking the time to leave a review and test the new editing experience. Can I ask if you use a page builder right now? Is there perhaps an experience you think would be good to learn from?

    It’s interesting how you say you have used for 3 days and now get less frustrated. Do you think anything could be done to ease those early stages of using Gutenberg?

    Thread Starter WDA|Digital



    I think the sudden and massive change in the UI is probably the biggest obstacle to overcome. I know the plugin is still in development and sure you guys will be implementing onboarding / tooltips / walkthrough when launched as the default editor.

    I don’t use page builders really however I use quite a bit of shortcodes and the text/code view in the editor. I think the thing that frustrates me most is the extra clicks required to do things that was much easier before. Also having to add blocks for each “SECTION” is also more work than before..

    I haven’t really looked at the code side of things but is this not going to need to add extra lines of code (divs/sections) like page builders are doing. I don’t like the idea of bloating code with unnecessary wrapping divs and not sure if Gutenberg is doing the same?

    I do hope when it finally ships that you can have a toggle switch to use Gutenberg/Classic Editor without having to use the classic editor plugin.

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