• This plugin came pre-packaged with a WordPress theme that I purchased for a client’s website. The generated retina images took up an excessive amount of space on the client’s hosting, so we attempted to use the plugin’s ‘Bulk Delete’ function. Unfortunately, this function freezes at 10% every time. And even when we let it “run” overnight it just froze. So now we’re left manually deleting the generated images.

    I attempted to reach out to the plugin developer, but found him to be less than helpful. He accused me of “Playing around with themes and strange plugins too much” despite the website being a clean install of WordPress 4.4, with no experimental use of other themes. I understand that plugin development isn’t easy, and can be outright frustrating at times but shifting the blame in such a manner definitely doesn’t help anyone.

    I’m willing to overlook technical issues when it’s met with great plugin support. I’ll even settle for ‘Okay’ support. But unfortunately this plugin has neither.

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  • Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    but found him to be less than helpful

    Did you even try what I said? No. You should have took me more seriously rather than continuing to complain and talking about you complaining about my plugin and I to your theme developer. This is childish and doesn’t help any purpose.

    And even when we let it “run” overnight it just froze. So now we’re left manually deleting the generated images.

    Stop saying that you uninstall, reinstall, tried overnight, tried for lunch, tried when the server was in the fridge or whatever, don’t you see what I am condescending? Because that doesn’t sound like you know what you are doing. The first reaction should have been to look at the PHP LOGS. Then, after coming here frustrated, follow my advices.

    We would have found the problem together. Do you realize that? You would have let me do my job of a free support guy (that’s why I am for you, a free support guy) it would have worked. Too bad your attitude was not the right one from the beginning.

    Thanks for the one-star review. It definitely reviews well the plugin features and my support. Watch out however, other developers might reference this to rate you as a certain type of user.



    @utilitypole….Unfair voting!… It’s great plugin

    Thread Starter Davis Starfield


    @artlemon I disagree completely. In my recent experience, it’s a broken plugin and as shown in this thread Jordy Meow’s abrasive, unhelpful responses only make things worse. The following quote doesn’t come a quality, hard-working WP plugin developer:

    “Stop saying that you uninstall, reinstall, tried overnight, tried for lunch, tried when the server was in the fridge or whatever, don’t you see what I am condescending? Because that doesn’t sound like you know what you are doing.”

    Having a broken plugin is one thing. Attacking users who are asking for help using it is another thing completely. I’d vote this plugin 0/5 stars, if it were possible.

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Sorry about everything UtilityPole. I will try to be better next time. Not sure how. Maybe by not replying to you, for a start? It seems it served other developers better.

    Please stop copy/pasting my sentences out of context, that doesn’t make much sense. Even though I like to remember you as the

    What’s going on, here?


    Anyway, you got to change your attitude and stop trying to tell me how bad I am as a PRo developer (me and my “broken” plugin). I actually really wanted to help you and whatever my replies show is frustration over the frustration you had already. Knock at the door and ask politely for help next time, especially when you don’t pay anything.

    @utilitypole to be fair from reading the support thread I think that perhaps both you and Jordy lost a little in translation and then things escalated badly from there on in. It’s easy to forget English is not everyone’s native tongue which makes it all too easy to get express oneself in the right tone of voice leading to misunderstanding on behalf of both parties and in this case neither is without blame. Your frustration and obvious anger at the situation you were experiencing was interpreted rightly or wrongly by Jordy who took it personally. You have to agree your comment ‘What’s going on, here?’ comment could certainly be interpreted as angry/aggressive, certainly not particularly constructive.

    Personally I actually didn’t think his first response to you in the support thread was particularly condescending it certainly was not unhelp in fact the suggestions he made were actually very helpful and correct. I interpreted it as Jordy actually trying to be supportive and show concern you were feeling so frustrated, whilst attempting to convey a much better approach to the situation would be a calm and constructive manner for your own personal wellbeing and mental state. Unfortunately he didn’t express this very well. I then think in your stressed out state you were overly sensitive and certainly misinterpreted what he actually had said. Anyhow I fully appreciate thats just my personal interpretation which obviously differs from yours.

    Facts: The plugin may be broken for you but it certainly is not broken for 99% of users or installs so don’t generalise. Checking the PHP logs is always the first place to look, this would have enabled you to provide more specific information to Jordy to actually help debug your issue. There might well be an issue with your install or hosting environment. Your metadata might be corrupt, it happens. It might well be a plugin conflict. He didn’t actually ‘shift’ any blame towards any 3rd party plugins or themes, he merely stated that metadata corruption can occur after installing and deinstalling many plugins and themes which is very true. He certainly never said anything or even inferred that Bettermag to be ‘a less-than-optimal theme’.

    I wouldn’t blame Jordy for being frustrated at your misleading review or from his right to withdraw from continuing to proving you from further support. From what I have read you never finished debugging your issue or gave the developer a chance to assist you fully and then went on to made false statements in your review. He stated it was a ‘waste of time’ trying to talk to you after you had posted your review. Then you have the audacity to suggest he ‘should consider a more professional approach’… I am certain that a
    anyone who bothers to read both your support thread and this review thread will also come to the same conclusion.

    Despite what you say your posts show little understanding of how hard it is to develop wordpress plugins and provide support absolutely free of charge. Your attitude and actions do nothing to encourage developers to continue doing so and only serve to damage the WordPress Community. With the greatest respect perhaps you too should be more professional in your approach, be more patient and stick to the facts instead of making them up.

    Peace out.

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