• Pretty good plugin, great for custom sites, not as powerful as for example WooCommerce but on the other hand it doesn’t force you to do anything, and there are no overcomplications.

    IMO it is just missing a

    1) product options filter (you can add custom options to products and change the price accordingly which is great, but don’t have a filter for that)

    2) a price range filter (from and to, or a range slider, or even better, both).

    3) 2checkout integration would be good, since it is a pretty popular gateway.

    The first 2 things I stated I believe are a must for any serious ecommerce plugin, the third one here and there.

    All in all pretty good, hopefully it will evolve a bit more in time.

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  • Thank you for your kind review. ??

    Over the past 18 months or more, we’ve been focusing on ensuring that the core plugin is as stable and bug-free as possible. We’ve also been building in whole new sets of hooks and filters to allow other plugin developers to create add-ons for extra features such as the ones you mentioned above. Long term, we feel that a more community-based approach to new features is far more sustainable – especially given that there are only 2 of us and the donations brought in by the plugin don’t even cover the hosting for the plugin’s wiki and forum.

    With regard to new merchant gateways, have you seen our sample merchant gateway scripts? These should allow other people to add a new merchant gateways without touching the core plugin.

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