• Resolved joleksow


    We have a gravity forms form in a popupmaker modal. The form is set up to submit via ajax, since we want the success message to display in the modal with a successful submission.

    The success message works fine, but what’s not work is the validation messages from Gravity Forms. Usually the incorrect fields will be highlighted and messages are added informing the user what they need to do, which works fine elsewhere on the exact same page, but not inside the popup.

    Any idea what could be causing this?


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  • Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @joleksow – Do you have a link and explanation of how to open the popup? It should definitely work out of the box.

    Thread Starter joleksow


    Unfortunately it’s in a local dev environment, so I don’t have a link to share. Anything I could do myself to provide more information?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Check the browsers console and the AJAX submission request/response. Look to see if it is returning something like { errors: {first_name: "You must enter your name"} } or more likely look at the HTML of the response to see if it includes the errors.

    I believe gforms does the second sending back a new form entirely. If thats the case then the errors are simply not being rendered by GForms.

    If the response looks good check for errors in the console in general that may lead to the response not overwriting the original form.

    Thread Starter joleksow


    The AJAX response does contain the updated HTML for the form with errors, and I don’t see any other errors in the console. It looks like gravity forms is just failing to overwrite the existing form with the AJAX response.

    Thanks for your help on this so far, but do you have any other ideas?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @joleksow – First instinct would be to contact Gravity Forms and see what they say. Mainly because they have fast awesome support also, but because they may because the problem is either in their JS, or breaking their JS in which case they may know whats wrong already. Also this setup typically works so I would say there may be a conflict on their end which they may be able to shed light on for us.

    I’m glad to try and help more, but it is rather difficult without being able to see the site. Especially when it’s an unknown/unseen bug.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @joleksow – Any luck getting this resolved?

    Thread Starter joleksow


    Thanks for the followup @danieliser. Due to the tight timeline we were working under and the limited usage of popups at this point in the project, we ended up going with a custom modal instead of using popupmaker.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @joleksow – Understandable. If you circle back I would be happy to assist, but I have a feeling the conflict lays outside of Popup Maker as I have been unable to duplicate it and GForms support suggested it may be a JS error as well.

    Gonna mark this as resolved, if you want to revisit it later feel free to reply here and we can check it out.

    I’m stuck on a project with the same modal validation issues – can you please recommend the custom modal solution you went with? – thanks.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @chad1964 – This issue should be resolved in the next few days with the release of v1.2

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