• Resolved kickstart


    Hey Danieliser,

    It seems your a wizard to helping people like us.

    Describe what is supposed to happen:
    When you click on “get started” on https://kickstartautomation.com/kickstarters-services/ l want my gravity form to pop up with the popup maker popup l created.

    Here is the code on the backend and my css classes for popup maker is popmake-1087|popmake-basic-package-signup

    [vsc-pricing-table columns=”2″]
    [vsc-pricing-column title=”BASIC” price=”” currency=”” interval=””]

    Business that want to create and implement a marketing strategy.
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    2 Campaigns for sup with client content
    [vsc-signup][vsc-button color=”red” url=”#” style=”thin”]GET STARTED[/vsc-button][/vsc-signup]

    Describe what is actually happening:
    I am using buttons from the wptheme but trying to add the code is not working so the page just keep refreshing.

    What do l have to add to existing code to activate the popup when you click “get started”?


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  • Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Hey kickstart, perfect support request. 5 stars.

    Ok so in your case your making the buttons with a shortcode so you have 2 options.

    1. Wrap the shortcode in a span with the class, which can be done automatically if you highlight any text or image, and use the styles dropdown on the second row of the editor you will see your popups listed there. Highlighting text and selecting a Popup from that list will wrap it in the proper class for you.

    2. Use the Custom Selector field under Click Open Settings. Here you can use any CSS selector that would target your buttons and it will make them open the popup when clicked. Looking at your pages & buttons html the following should work, you may need to tweak it depending on if this will be used on any other pages.

    .pricing-table .signup a.btn

    Now for a bit more advanced usage info, if you say wanted to open Popup 1 for button one and popup 2 for button two then you would do something like this.

    Popup 1 Custom Selector – .pricing-table .first-column .signup a.btn
    Popup 2 Custom Selector – .pricing-table .last-column .signup a.btn

    Hope this helps.

    Please take a moment to rate and review the plugin and or support. Wish I could rate your support ticket haha. ??

    Thread Starter kickstart


    Hey Danieliser,

    I have taken you up on option #2 and have crated two custom selectors (.pricing-table .first-column .signup a.btn | .pricing-table .last-column .signup a.btn)

    So now l believe l have to add a id in the html so when click it will target this pop up but not sure how to add to the code:

    What do l need to change for .first-column?
    [vsc-signup][vsc-button color=”red” url=”#” style=”thin”]GET STARTED[/vsc-button][/vsc-signup]


    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Hey kickstart,

    Sorry for the confusion. In fact if you use custom selectors and are using more than one, separate them with commas. And if your using same popup for both buttons simplify and use just .pricing-table .signup a.btn

    But if you are doing it with seperate popups for each button, set one to use first-column, and the other to use last-column.

    Once this is done you don’t have to add anything else. Adding the popmake-# class is the default method, custom selectors is a more advanced method where you pick what you want to target, rather than adding the class.

    Thread Starter kickstart


    Hey Danieliser,

    Kyle from kickstart again

    Ok l went the easy route, class=popmake-1087 in the first column but after the update the screen goes all white for some reason?



    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @kickstart – You need to update Rev Slider. The older versions weren’t compatible with other plugins that used the same libraries. I am working with them now finally to make long term changes to prevent this in the future.

    Thread Starter kickstart


    Hey Danieliser,

    I added 2 putmaker’s but the second one is not working. Can you only have one on a page?

    Going to write a great review!


    [vsc-pricing-table columns=”2″]
    [vsc-pricing-column title=”BASIC” price=”” currency=”” interval=””]

    Business that want to create and implement a marketing strategy.
    4 hours One-On-One Consulting
    90-Day Action Plan
    Basic Dashboard setup
    Campaign Selection & Personalization
    Basic Data Import
    Lead capture setup
    Sync for gmail or Sync for outlook setup
    2 Campaigns for sup with client content
    [vsc-signup][vsc-button color=”red” class=”popmake-1087″ url=”#” style=”thin”]GET STARTED[/vsc-button][/vsc-signup]
    [vsc-pricing-column title=”ADVANCED” price=”” currency=”” interval=””]

    Businesses that need that added boost to get their campaigns up and running.
    6 Hours One-on-One Consulting
    90-Day Action Plan
    Campaign Selection & Personalization
    Basic Dashboard Setup
    Basic Data Import
    Lead Capture Setup
    Sync for Gmail or Sync for Outlook Setup
    4 Campaigns set up with content
    Creation of 2 lead magnets*
    Email, Landing page and web form templates setup
    *Lead magnets can be an up to 10 email series or a 5 page report. Content will be created by our writers after a phone interview with you.
    [vsc-signup][vsc-button color=”red” class=”popmake-1152″ url=”#” style=”thin”]GET STARTED[/vsc-button][/vsc-signup]

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Is the link above still relevant? If so, neither button has a popmake-# class.

    However, you have used custom selector for the first popup targeting the .first-column button, but you need to do the same for the second.

    I don’t beleive you button shortcode allows a class=”” parameter. Which means you could either use Custom Selectors( this is exactly why they were added btw ), or add a span around your shortcode like so

    <span class="popmake-1152">[vsc-button color="red" url="#" style="thin"]GET STARTED[/vsc-button]</span>

    This of course needs to be added via the Text tab not the visual tab.

    Thread Starter kickstart


    Hey Danieliser,

    In my wp theme l can create a button and it allows me to add a link (see screenshot) what should l put in there to activate the pop up(popmake-1277)?

    Thanks for your help


    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @kickstart in that case you will want to use the Custom Selector input in the Click Open settings panel on the Popup 1277 editor.

    Here you can target the button using css selectors, instead of adding something to the button itself.

    For instance if the button comes out like
    <button class="btn full-blue">Text</button>
    and assuming there are no other blue buttons on the page your Custom Selector could be as simple as .btn.full-blue or any element with both classes btn & full-blue will trigger this popup to open.

    Thread Starter kickstart


    Okay l made the update and the text and link work bringing up the pop-up but l would like to use style of blue button used in this theme.

    Here is the theme CSS style for the button l want to use:

    .darker-overlay .btn-secondary { background: transparent; color: #fff; border: 1px solid #fff; }
    .darker-overlay .btn-secondary:Hover, .btn-secondary.hovered { background: #fff; color: #1ac6ff; border: 1px solid #fff; }
    .darker-overlay .btn-secondary:Active, .btn-secondary.pressed { background: #fff; color: #1ac6ff; border: 1px solid #fff;}

    Any advice?


    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @kickstart – you can style the button however you like. The custom selector just needs to represent your element in CSS. IE if your button has a class of .btn-secondary and is inside a container like a widget with id widget-234 then you could set your Custom Selector to #widget-234 .btn-secondary or in English the button in widget 234.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @kickstart – Marking this resolved due to inactivity. If you still have the same problem feel free to reply here and we can revisit the issue.

    If you haven’t already please take a moment to rate and review the plugin and or support.

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