Hello @hheyhey568
The plugin includes two operations IGNOREFIELD and ACTIVATEFIELD to disable or enable fields.
For example, you can insert a DIV field (I’ll assume it is the fieldname1) and enter the class name ignorefield
through its “Add CSS Layout Keywords” attribute. And then, insert the entry and calculated fields inside the DIV one.
Now, you can insert an “HTML Content” field (outside the DIV field) with the img tag as its content:
<img src="https://www.processfunda.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Screenshot-2023-01-06-235901.jpg" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="ACTIVATEFIELD('fieldname1');">
As you can see the image tag includes the onclick event to activate the DIV field.
If you want to disable the DIV field by coding, then you should call the IGNOREFIELD operation ( IGNOREFIELD('fieldname1');
Best regards.