Hi @diegpl,
Thanks for reaching out. If you’d like to provide more information on what you’re encountering I’d be happy to assist. When you mention access reports, are you referring to other WordPress administrators who are no longer able to view Analytics data within the Site Kit dashboard, or are you referring to reports from analytics.google.com? , which may refer to changes made on the Google Analytics side and not Site Kit?
If you are referring to WordPress administrators no longer being able to view Analytics data within the Site Kit dashboards, all administrators must already have access to the connected Google Analytics property (Universal Analytics) to be able to view Analytics data within Site Kit. This has always been the case, there was no change to this. One WordPress administrator connects the plugin to Google Analytics. If there are other WordPress administrators who also wish to use Site Kit (with their own Google account) the original administrator who connected Analytics must grant them access at Analytics level.
We are working on a dashboard sharing feature, which will allow administrators to share selected view only data with other users, without having to be granted access at Analytics level. In the meantime please let me know more on the issue you’re encountering and I’d be happy to assist.