Hi @mlchrt
I hope you’re well today!
There’s no “if/else” conditional calculations (at least not yet) but depending on the “pricing structure” it might be possible to achieve something like that with either calculation formula alone or some additional (conditionally visible) field or a combination of both.
Here you’ll find example form that you can import to your site and review its settings:
It lets you input number of pieces then shows a “per piece price” below and calculates total price, following the rule that:
– up to 100 pieces the price is 10 per piece
– between 101 and 250 pieces, price is 8 per piece
– and over 250 pieces, price is 6 per piece
The way it works is it uses additional calculations-type fields to determine the price (note the number * 1 trick there in calculation formula, like 10*1 to set price at 10).
These fields have visibility set depending on the input (number of pieces) and then for the total price the number of pieces is multiplied by the sum of all these prices. This works because for invisible calculation fields the value is just 0.
So for example, if you set 10 pieces, the first price calculation field will be visible setting the price at 10*1 = 10 and the final calculation becomes
10 pieces * ( 10 price + 0 price + 0 price) = 10 pieces * 10 price = 100 price to pay
For 108 pieces it becomes
106 pieces * ( 0 price + 8 price + 0 price) = 106 pieces * 8 price = 848 price to pay
For 253 pieces it becomes
253 pieces * (0 price + 0 price + 6 price) = 253 pieces * 6 price = 1518 price to pay
Best regards,