I had a similar problem. The difficulty I had is that the Participants Database Record ID will be totally different to the WordPress ID so I used UserName instead because these two fields will be the same.
I found that by using php I could achieve so much more within Participants Database and therefore I used the Plugin ‘Insert php’ by Will Bontrager. Remember when you enter the php code you must be in TEXT mode and not VISUAL mode. I initially made that mistake.
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
/*This will give the UserName of the current user*/
/*This will give the first and last names of the current user*/
echo do_shortcode(‘[pdb_list template=responsive filter=”username=’.$users_name.'” fields=”record_id,first_name,last_name,etc”]’);
I did actually modify the responsive filter to give me a slightly different layout, but it’s not important at this stage.
You might have to play around with this to get exactly what you want, but try it out and see how you go.
Another useful method you could try is
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$user_id = Participants_Db::get_record_id_by_term(‘username’, $user_name);
$record = Participants_Db::get_participant( $user_id );
echo do_shortcode(‘[pdb_record record_id=’.$user_id.’]’);