Hi Jubaer Ahmed,
Currently Educare does not support different GPA (rules) at the same time in auto calculation mode.
For example:
Suppose, Class 8 total subject = 9
Educare follow this (below) rules (basset on educare default grading system) for all subject.
Subject max mark is 100
And min marks is 33
If less than 33, Educare return failed. Otherwise passed.
Currently, It’s not possible to differently calculate one of them (9)
Its not possible to automatically calculate like this:
7 (Bangla, English, Mathematics…) subject max and min marks is –
Max mark = 100
And min marks = 33
one of them (ICT) max and min marks is –
Max mark = 50
And min marks = 18
In this case you have to set the GPA manually. For this disable Auto Calculate System in Educare settings. Also, You can modify Educare default grading system based on your GPA rules from Dashboard > Educare > Settings > Grading System
We will add this feature in next/future updates
If you need more support you can email us provided in plugin description. Thanks for your feedback.