Got Server Error
But since it’s not my server (it’s at HostMonster) I can’t check to see what’s wrong.
I just downloaded and tested from here, and it installed just fine.
I also went to my Dashboard > Plugins > Add New … searched for Fanfiction and found it > installed > activated, and it installed just fine.If you’d like, I can give you access to a “play” site I have to verify the installing and functioning of the Basic version of the plugin. Feel free to email me at
gmailSo you can see it install, etc.
Actually, it did install. But then it turned out to be something other than what I was looking for. Were I to do lists of stuff I’ve read or plan on reading it would be useful, but that’s not what I need.
Glad it installed.
It’s for communities of writers to share their writings with readers. Writers create a library of their writings, either stand alone or multi-chapter writing of any kind. Readers can interactive in a number of ways, and everything is very searchable using numerous search fields.
Thank you for checking it out!
That’s not the impression I got from the plugin itself. So you can do multi-chapter works. Guess I’ll have to re-install.
Oh yes, that was one of the key pieces of this.
You can register here and post to the demo to check it out:
Feel free to post as much as you want, etc.You can see it being used with a huge site here: – thousand of writers and 46,000 plus stories
List of stories: newest first – and when a new chapter is added to a book, it goes to the top of the list:
Search page:
Front end posting of new single stories or books: will give you an idea of what it is/how it works.
I’m happy to answer any questions!
Decided to try it, and I like the options it includes, however; I’m none too fond of the look it gives admin. I prefer the original look, any way to get it back and still keep the goods your admin bar provides?
I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to in regards to the “look it gives the admin.”
Please explain? Maybe screenshots?
Also: the plugin is being updated right now.
Too foggy, too blocky, and having to hover over an entry in the sub-menu bothers me, I’d rather know ahead of time what I’m putting the pointer on.
BTW, for my purposes I’d change a few things about what it does and what it provides, but at the same time improvising is not that hard.
What am I doing?
A series of books for a roleplaying system. The system is called Dangerous Journeys. The games, for the moment, are; Abyss, Changeling, Mythus, and Unhallowed. The system itself will have a book with the base mechanics, each RPG will have a book including the base mechanics, plus mechanics specific to the game. In addition there will be supplements covering such matters as setting, science/magick/, encounters, and adventures. At present I’m working on faking an organization for that using your plugin, but I was wondering how to adapt it to my needs.
Anyway, good luck with the update.
Our plugin doesn’t change the admin display at all.
It adds two items to admin, but in no way does it modify the display.Want to test it out on one of our test sites? Email me at myfandoms at gmail and you can play with it in a testing type of site.
Here’s a screenshot of my admin with WPFF enabled.
That doesn’t look like the standard WP admin.
You can disable that feature by going into “Fanfic Options” and removing the checkmark from the “Override Dashboard” section. Here’s a screenshot:
For the plugin author: There seems to be a problem with the CSS for the back-end stylesheet (located in the plugin directory /views/css/new_dashboard.css). The code has been minified (removed all spaces and squished together to make it load faster), which is usually okay; however, almost every single semi-colon from the last statement of each style (the one before the closing curly brace) is missing. I haven’t tested to see if this is why it’s causing display problems, but that seems like a good place to start to remedy the error.
mythusmage: JRCDyer is correct about unchecking “Override Dashboard” under Dashboard > Fanfiction Options.
What is the display problem you’re referring to, JRCDyer?
If you look at the example images in the sample dashboard provided in the “Fanfic Options” page and then at the dashboard changes displayed, none of the image icons shown in the example are displayed. Example of what it actually looks like:
Example of what it’s supposed to look like, as expressed in the example:
That’s not what it looks like on my site.
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