• e dev


    Upon my first install, I tested by adding a very simple post and selected it to sync with 4 other identical sites, and it worked as I would have expected.

    I then tried making an update to the source post by adding an image, and it worked and made the update to 4 sites but one of the 4 only had an image placeholder and another of the 4 added a featured image to the post which wasn’t selected on the source at all, so the odd behavior started.

    I then tried to use wpBakery Page Builder with the source blog and it more or less synced that layout to the other 4 blogs. In 2 cases, the image modules were there but missing the image reference, and in 2 other cases, the rows/column layout were changed, though all of the pieces were there and needed rearranging (edited/fixed) on the child blogs.

    I also found that on the child blogs, with each edit to the parent post content, new posts were being created with each update to the source rather than editing the single post over and over. So I had to go and delete 7 copied of the same post on the child sites.

    Another error I found was the words with apostrophes (“They’re going to the park”) came through fine on the first child blog, but blogs 2, 3 & 4 all had increasing numbers of forward slashes in them:

    1. Source: They’re going to the park
    2. Blog 1: They’re going to the park
    3. Blog 2: They\’re going to the park
    4. Blog 3: They’\\re going to the park
    5. Blog 4: They\\\’re going to the park

    So, super great idea and some good initial work, but the results were not as expected, and seemed to worsen the more complex the source post was. Having to go and review and edit the child blogs sort of defeats the purpose of the plugin.

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