@raulmego Thanks for opening a support topic and for sharing the information. As nothing stands out here, this could be and based on the error you’re encountering, it is possible that your host IP address is blocked, however, this may only be from your IPv6 address (if your IP is within a specific range that includes some users from regions where Google services are blocked).
To check this further, please could you confirm your IPv6 address. You can share this here or via the site health form privately. If you are unsure on how to get this then you’ll be able to get this from your hosting provider. Once shared, I will get this checked to see if we can find any such block.
You can also perform the below cURL commands, which can help indicate whether this is a block specific to IPv6 if you are comfortable doing this:
curl -4 -I https://sitekit.withgoogle.com
The above will check the status if communication over IPv4
curl -6 -I https://sitekit.withgoogle.com
The above will check the status if communication over IPv6
If there is a block, I suspect this will be over IPv6 only, with a 500 error. Let me know if you have any questions about the above.