Google Webmaster showing php permalink error
Hello, My blog is working fine but when check Google Webmaster it showing my all posts as error with one php permalink code like this:
webmaster add <?p?hp%?20t?he_?per?mal?ink?()%?20??%3E at the end of every post what it is prob theme i m using on my blog customize by me. I think some problem in theme file. Please help me for solve this issue.
Crawl errors
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Pages that link to<?php%20the_permalink()%20?%3EURL Discovery Date
htt?p:/?/ww?w.t?ech?feb?.co?m/2?011?/07?/ho?w-t?o-c?han?ge-?win?dow?s-l?ogo?n-s?cre?en-?fro?m-c?ont?ext?-me?nu/ Jul 5, 2011
htt?p:/?/ww?w.t?ech?feb?.co?m/2?011?/07?/ho?w-t?o-c?han?ge-?win?dow?s-l?ogo?n-s?cre?en-?fro?m-c?ont?ext?-me?nu/??re?ply?toc?om=?334?2 Jul 10, 2011
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