Thanks for this question. To recap for others, there is an old plugin called ‘Google Document Embedder’ that I have mentioned Google doesn’t seem too keen to support indefinitely, and a newer plugin called ‘Google Drive Embedder’.
The ‘problem’ with Google Document Embedder is that it is a completely anonymous service. Anyone on the internet can embed documents into their web page through it, with the files served from any publicly-accessible URL.
By contrast, the Drive plugin allows authenticated Google users to upload their files, probably to a paid or at least registered Google Drive and embed them from there.
In the second case, the user is paying or at least known and authenticated to Google. In the first case, they are opening their viewer to the general internet without any terms of service.
I hope this highlights why I feel Google has a duty to ‘Drive’ users that doesn’t exist for the ‘Document’ users. In the past, we have seen Google make unannounced changes/restrictions to the public ‘Document’ viewer. Fair enough really – the viewer just ‘exists’ out there on the internet!
I can’t personally guarantee they will support the ‘Drive’ mode either, but there is clearly much more recourse since you are a known user to Google.
I hope this makes sense! Please email [email protected] with any further questions. I may not pick up replies here.