Always one more new idea to keep me from releasing ?? but that’s great and yes embedding from your local server is great SO I added that also. But I took it even farther.
Now with the plug-in you can download my optional Flash FLV player. Simply SWF that allows you to embed ANY flv into your blog. Just simply use the plug-in as normal like this
[gv data=’https://www.serverwithflv/myflv.flv’%5D%5B/gv%5D and that’s it. The included player will then stream that video into your blog.
On top of that you can also embed Quick Time .MOV files using the same idea
[gv data=??https://serverwithmov/
This then uses the embedded QuickTime player ???
So to recap the new plug-in will have a PHP file containing the actual plug-in and a SWF that you need to put somewhere on your server that will allow streaming of ANY flv from any server. It also allows streaming of any MOV file.
So now that this plug-in can span google, youtube, any FLV, and any MOV on the net I think its time to rename it. It is not longer just the small google video plug-in it began as. I will be keeping the [gv] tags because I don’t want people to have to change them. But the new plug-in will be released under a different name. So searches can find it as an all around video plug-in for wordpress….
As expected the QuickTime and FLV additions both have separate customizable classes for each part, and separate functions to allow other plug-in’s to use there features.
Now I will yet again hunt through this code and optimize it to the best I can. I will soon be releasing the New Video Plugin, along with the SWF video player
If you are using the plug-in properly you should not be copying and pasting any object tags at all. You should be copying everything after “googleplayer.swf???
Only the URL to the video, your entry should look this like
[gv data=??–XdvmxJrRGjRxizmbkvEvOzwYxgl_U4biLu5meRISvz8WAqNKJvTd3hBhnBaUcXG_N-5WADcObU0jb0ZBrI8w%26sigh%3DJ8klFZQUyMqlQ7nV25t6zRqkrsg%26begin%3D0%26len%3D303536&][/gv]