• Ralfnator


    A few weeks ago I’ve installed your plugin and I was wondering, why Google doesn’t Display the star in the search results. At the Moment my Website has 106 votes.

    So I used the Google developers testing tool and it says, that the Format #votes as an rich snippet is not accepted by Google, because it has to be the Format #Rating.

    Do you have any ideas for changing, because with this circumstances using your plugin makes no sense.




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  • so i have worte a new article with the new script but google doesn’t show them. what a ….

    @psxtr thank you so much: i succeed because i follow you
    example: den led
    den led am tran
    ?èn led chi?u sáng

    @son Nguyen Glad to be of help

    i search “So sánh ?èn Led và ?èn Compact” and “Cu?c chi?n ?èn Led” keywords, search results seemed with stars

    You use the first code, it all works, Important to be patient.

    Congratulations. ??

    sorry for my english ??

    @psxtr I put your code in and it passes the google test tool but doesn’t show up in the search results?

    The plugin works great! I notice the only thing is that the STARS don’t display when the home page is ranked buy any other page on the website ranked will display the STARS and looks great.

    I forgot to include link to the page! The stars show up on the page, just not in the search results.


    public function grs_legend($legend, $id)
    				$title = get_the_title($id);
    				$resim = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID()));
    			    $best = parent::get_options('kksr_stars');
    				$score = get_post_meta($id, '_kksr_ratings', true) ? get_post_meta($id, '_kksr_ratings', true) : 0;
    					$votes = get_post_meta($id, '_kksr_casts', true) ? get_post_meta($id, '_kksr_casts', true) : 0;
    					$avg = $score ? number_format((float)($score/$votes), 2, '.', '') : 0;
    					$per = $score ? number_format((float)((($score/$votes)/5)*100), 2, '.', '') : 0;
    					$leg = str_replace('[total]', '<span itemprop="votes">'.$votes.'</span>', $legend);
    					$leg = str_replace('[avg]', '<span itemprop="average">'.$avg.'</span>/<span itemprop="best">'.$best.'</span></span>', $leg);
    					$leg = str_replace('[per]',$per.'%', $leg);
    					$leg = str_replace('[s]', $votes==1?'':'s', $leg);
    					$snippet = '<div id="" itemscope="" itemtype="https://data-vocabulary.org/Review-aggregate">';
    					$snippet .= '<span itemprop="itemreviewed" class="kksr-title">' . $title . '</span>';
    					$snippet .= '<img align="center" height="100" width="130" style="display:none;" itemprop="photo" src="' . $resim . '">';
    					$snippet .= '<span itemprop="rating" itemscope itemtype="https://data-vocabulary.org/Rating">';
    					$snippet .=  $leg;
    					$snippet .= '</div>';

    great topic, it helped me !!
    you have to change file in this location

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