Google Site Kit Analytics Error on Setup
@jamesosborne directed me to open a new ticket from
`And, I looked at the source code, and the only UA- property tag on the page is this one (that looks like it’s from site kit – cause it doesn’t match any of our GA properties):
var _googlesitekitTrackingData = {“referenceSiteURL”:””,”userIDHash”:”xxx”,”isAuthenticated”:true,”activeModules”:[“search-console”,”analytics”,”pagespeed-insights”],”isSiteKitScreen”:false,”trackingEnabled”:false,”trackingID”:”UA-000000000-3″};
I promise that the trackingID does not match any in our properties, or even any in the list.. But, the code says googlesitkitTrackingData, so where is it coming from?
Edit: And this is the error message I see on the backend trying to set it up:
You need to connect the Universal Analytics property that’s associated with this Google Analytics 4 property.
Any ideas about how to fix this?
Then @jamesosborne suggested it’s a OPT-IN (which I didn’t), here:
if users have opted into this from the plugin’s settings (Site Kit > Settings > Admin Settings). This is the code snippet you described above.
So, after reading more (, it seems like it’s completely irrelevant which property gets picked. But, now it’s treating this GA4 property like a universal property (so, less functionality?)
And, confirming this ‘Opt-In’ feature, it isn’t. I DO NOT HAVE tracking enabled. This checkbox is NOT checked:
Help us improve Site Kit by sharing anonymous usage data. All collected data is treated in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy.
And, even if it were, shouldn’t I still be able to connect to a GA4 property without going through a NON-existant UA property?
Please help, as it stands, the only thing I actually wanted it to do was connect to Google Analytics, and it seems that’s the only thing it isn’t going to do.
Thank you,
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