Hi Shaikh Masood Alam,
Thanks for the information, I can see no description is showing up, even if I were to remove the image from the snippet.
Below is a little snippet that adds a microdata description to The SEO Framework output. Would you care to try it out and see if the results change?
Please keep in mind that many social networks cache the snippets, so I suggest trying a yet-to-be-discovered page to find the correct results.
Also be sure to clear your object cache prior to testing, if applicable.
add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_after_output', 'my_itemprop_description_init', 11 );
* Special filter to keep adding onto The SEO Framework.
* @param array $functions All the hooked functions.
* @return array $functions The hooked functions.
function my_itemprop_description_init( $functions ) {
$functions[] = array(
'callback' => array( 'my_itemprop_description_output' ),
return $functions;
* Output Google+ Social Description.
* @return string The Google+ description.
function my_itemprop_description_output() {
//* Call the class.
$the_seo_framework = the_seo_framework();
//* Get the social description. Already escaped.
$description = $the_seo_framework->description_from_cache( true );
return '<meta itemprop="description" content="' . $description . '" />' . "\r\n";
I hope this helps! Let me know if it all works out :).