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  • Hi, having the noindex on those pages is intentional as those pages are typically specific to each user. Having them indexed within search results isn’t typically useful as anybody that does visit those URLs in particular from search results won’t see any data.

    There is the chance that they may have previously visited your site, added items to the cart, left and then searched for your domain through Google and clicked one of those links. The specific code that handles this functionality is listed here in the code:

    If you want to have the noindex removed however, you can add the following code to your child theme’s functions.php file:

    remove_action( 'wp_head', 'edd_checkout_meta_tags' );
    function custom_edd_checkout_index() {
    	$pages   = array();
    	$pages[] = edd_get_option( 'success_page' );
    	$pages[] = edd_get_option( 'failure_page' );
    	$pages[] = edd_get_option( 'purchase_history_page' );
    	if( ! edd_is_checkout() && ! is_page( $pages ) ) {
    	echo '<meta name="edd-chosen-gateway" content="' . edd_get_chosen_gateway() . '"/>' . "\n";
    	echo '<meta name="robots" content="nofollow" />' . "\n";
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'custom_edd_checkout_index' );


    Because there have not been any recent updates to this topic we’ll be changing the status to resolved. If you have any further questions you can start a new thread, or head over to our support page to submit your request if it is related to one of our available add-ons.

    hung nguyen


    hi, i’ve made a new bog but i got a trouble with verify with Google console. Please to help me! Here is my site
    Thank you

    Pratik Jain


    Hi @hungnguyen1407

    Thanks for the web page link. It looks like that you are not using the Easy Digital Downloads plugin.

    Actually this is a forum for Easy Digital Downloads plugins only.

    You can use this forum link and get the help from WordPress users.

    hung nguyen


    hi guy, thanks for your supporting

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  • The topic ‘Google search console — Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’’ is closed to new replies.