• I switched from Typepad to WP over a month ago. When I was at TP I had a 5 rank. Now, I’m unranked. Does anyone know how long it takes to get ranked & whether you need to do anything in particular to get ranked. Could there be any other reason why I’m unranked?

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  • Traffic rotators jsut give you people clicking on a browser so they can get pages and have their own page distributed out other people clicking ona browser for the same reason. In other words, 1,000 people might see your site. woopie… doesnt mean anything to google PR. PR doesnt measure traffic

    Better yet, concentrate on getting quality and good links. and on content. Also,.. seo for ALL search engines, dont concentrate on just google…

    Thanks for the help guys.

    With “a few hundred inbound links” to a new site, expect a very long wait before you are indexed by Google. Too many links too fast for a new site is the sure ticket to the “sandbox” where Google sends potential search engine spammers.

    good point tomhanna!

    is php or html better for a site better, I told php ranks better?
    is this true?

    Google ued to could not see php.. so html was better. now it can see php… you just dont want dynamic pages ending like asd?=asd.assd.php

    I wouldnt say php is better, i would say that you can use php to include functions and make the original page size smaller that you could not do in straight html.

    neither “ranks” better than the other.. its more like is the code correct and whos linking to it, and the content being good

    Thanks for that, but if you have a selling website like I have how do you make the content good? Is good changing it all the time?
    When using a link popularity check from widexldotcom ita€?s telling me that I have 2208 links to my site https://www.ebooks4u. ( tv ) tells me that I have 2208 inbound links.
    My site sells well as most of the e-books have the site URL plus I sell on eBay but I only have a page rank of 1 and I dona€?t do well in the search engines.

    you said your site had only been up for 2 months? read above what tomhanna said…

    personally..as i said..f orget about PR. what goes into it work on , yes.. but forget the number itself.

    you said your site had only been up for 2 months? read above what tomhanna said…

    personally..as i said..f orget about PR. what goes into it work on , yes.. but forget the number itself.

    I’d like to add another point concerning Google’s PR. Google ranks your page taking into account the rank of page, which has a link to yours.

    As an example – I’ve put https://www.olegcv.com link at one very popular and highly ranked page. As a reslut I have PR 4 in 1 week from the birthday of this domain name.

    What if Google indexes both versions of the blog, the permalinks version and the default query string version? Could this cause a duplicate content penalty? It’s suggested that the default version is not as SE friendly, but I checked my Google site: links and it looks like google has indexed them fine.

    Moderator James Huff


    Is There a plugin to show the page rank of a page ?

    Moderator James Huff


    I don’t think that there is a page rank plugin available for WordPress at this time. For now, just add the Google Toolbar to your browser to check the page rank of each page that you visit, or visit PRChecker.info to check the page rank of individual pages.

    i allready have google toolbar ?? but i just want to be sure this plugin is not available be4 i go in this issue , i have some idea 2 integrate this into wordpress .

    but i think api-key will cause a problem . because using the google api-key you are allowed 2 make 1000 query/day .

    except if in the installation procedure of the plugin you ask the user to enter there api-key .

    or … get 5-6 api-key and make a random select of the api key ..

    Thank’s anyway i ll check this after my exams ??

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