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  • Glad it worked.

    Thread Starter joyryde


    Now Page Speed says its calling the Raleway font TWICE. Once for the child theme and once in the original theme. Score dropped considerably because of that, so the import doesn’t work to improve the score, and it’s called twice.

    If I manually delete the code from the original it’s going to break when it’s updated by you.

    It looks like a caching/minification error:

    As you can see the font is imported twice, though there should be only one import declaration in the child theme style.css file.

    Thread Starter joyryde


    I deleted the import from the child theme and put the full font CSS in from Google’s website since you said importing is bad. Still shows twice though. I’ll try clearing cloudflare cache maybe.

    Thread Starter joyryde


    The ‘AutoOptimize’ plugin was caching the CSS, updated it now and it’s all set!

    Ok, great.

    Thread Starter joyryde


    Hi again!

    I tried to fix the font sizes on the mobile theme because they don’t look right, but no matter what I put into the child theme CSS, it won’t change the sizes.

    The H1 looks OK, but the H2 won’t resize to be smaller.

    I put this code, but it’s not working:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    .entry-content h2 {font-size: 18px; margin-top: 10px;}
    .post-content .title {font-size: 25px;}

    Neither row in that CSS is changing the H1 or H2 sizes on iphone.


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