Because this thread is becoming a bit unwieldy to offer help to people who may have different problems, please open a new thread for questions. That’ll make it easier to give detailed help.
Before opening a new thread… Please make sure you’ve done all of these things:
1. Upgraded to the latest version of Events Manager
2. Followed all of the instructions for adding a Google Maps API Key to Events Manager here:
Every step needs to be completed or it won’t work.
3. Waited at least an hour after generating a new API key. Some users have reported that it takes a little while for new keys to start working.
If that still doesn’t help, test for a conflict with your theme or another plugin by testing with all other plugins deactivated and while running the default WordPress theme.
Still not working? Please open a new thread confirming you’ve tried the above things (so we don’t ask you to do it all over again). A link to your site will be helpful too.
Thank you!