• Resolved scsweeney


    We’re just getting started with WP Job Manager. I have a test page up, and validation with Google’s structured data testing tool is not identifying any jobs.

    I validated https://demo.wpjobmanager.com/jobs/, and no jobs were identified there either.

    Is this functionality active/working, and if so is there a trick to making sure that the job listings are identified correctly by Google?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    Hi! What plugins are you using on your site? When looking at your site’s source, I see code that seems to be added by another plugin, and not WPJM’s Structured Data. It looks to me like either your theme or a plugin is turning off WPJM’s data.

    Thread Starter scsweeney


    Thank you for the quick reply; and sorry for my delayed reply.

    I’m working with a developer and have asked them to look into that possibility; that another plug-in or the theme is interfering with the structured data.

    I am curious, though, why the demo site isn’t displaying any structured data when scanned by Google: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0/#url=https%3A%2F%2Fdemo.wpjobmanager.com%2Fjobs%2F. Or is there something I’m missing here?

    If you could give me/us a better idea of what we should expect to see, that would help.

    Thread Starter scsweeney


    Or, is it a licensing issue … do I need to license the plug-in for structured data to work?

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    Hi! Firstly, the Google Structured Data works on individual job listings, not on a page with multiple listings. Secondly, our demo site is actually a bit out of date and doesn’t accurately reflect the Structured Data results. Still, you can see an example of what it’s supposed to look like here:


    <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"JobPosting","datePosted":"2018-05-03T04:12:46+00:00","validThrough":"2018-05-04T00:00:00+00:00","title":"Risk Manager","description":"<p>xvc<\/p>\n<p class=\"job_tags\">Tagged as: <a href=\"https:\/\/demo.wpjobmanager.com\/job-tag\/erm\/\" rel=\"tag\">ERM<\/a><\/p>\n","employmentType":["FULL_TIME"],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"IERP","sameAs":"https:\/\/insterp.com","url":"https:\/\/insterp.com"},"identifier":{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"IERP","value":"https:\/\/demo.wpjobmanager.com\/job\/ierp-london-2-sdfsdf\/"},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"London","addressRegion":"England","addressCountry":"GB"}}}</script>

    Whereas in your site:


    I see this:

    <div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Corporation"><h4><span itemprop="name">3coast Services</span></h4><address itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/PostalAddress"><span itemprop="streetAddress">16969 N. Texas Ave., Suite 400</span><br><span itemprop="addressLocality">Webster</span>, <span itemprop="addressRegion">Texas</span> <span itemprop="postalCode">77598</span><br>Sales:  <span itemprop="telephone">(281) 956-2270</span><br>Help Desk:  <span itemprop="telephone">(281) 956-2250</span><br></address></div>
    <div><div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Corporation"><h4><span itemprop="name">Houston</span></h4><address itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/PostalAddress"><span itemprop="streetAddress">5100 Westheimer, Suite 277</span><br><span itemprop="addressLocality">Houston</span>, <span itemprop="addressRegion">TX</span> <span itemprop="postalCode">77056</span><br>Primary Phone: <span itemprop="telephone">(281) 956-2280</span><br></address></div></div>

    See the difference? Your site is using itemprop, which is incorrect. This usually happens when a site is using a theme that over-rides our Google Structured Data. Look to see if you have this filter anywhere in your site’s code:

    add_filter( 'wpjm_output_job_listing_structured_data', '__return_false' );

    Hope that helps you find it!

    Thread Starter scsweeney


    Thank you. I’m working with a developer and will get with them on this.

    Plugin Contributor Jen H. (a11n)


    I’m marking this thread as Resolved, since it’s been more than a month since the last reply. If you still need help, definitely let us know here, and mark the thread Unresolved.


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