Yes, you are correct. It’s not working.
Open up social-buttons.php
Go to line 37 and find the following code.
<li><a target="_blank" href="<?php if ($evolve_googleplus != "" ) echo $evolve_googleplus; ?>" class="tipsytext" id="plus" original-title="<?php _e( 'Google Plus', 'evolve' ); ?>"><i class="t4p-icon-social-google-plus-square"></i></a></li><?php } else { ?><?php } ?>
Change to the following.
<li><a target="_blank" href="<?php if ($evolve_googleplus != "" ) echo $evolve_googleplus; ?>" class="tipsytext" id="plus" original-title="<?php _e( 'Google Plus', 'evolve' ); ?>"><i class="t4p-icon-social-google-plus"></i></a></li><?php } else { ?><?php } ?>
The difference is in the html i tag class, which should be t4p-icon-social-google-plus instead of t4p-icon-social-google-plus-square
Thank you