I found the reason for this issue. It is not about the google font configured in the Themes or in the general settings. In the /booster/main.php
in line 195 there is a hardcoded google font register style for Open Sans which is creating this issue.
See the register_scripts()
function in main.php. As soon as I comment the line, no google font gets included in my page anymore:
public function register_scripts( ) {
$required_scripts = array( 'jquery' );
$required_styles = array( 'twb-open-sans' );
//wp_register_style('twb-open-sans', 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,400,500,600,700,800&display=swap');
wp_register_style(self::PREFIX . '-global', $this->plugin_url . '/assets/css/global.css', $required_styles, self::VERSION);
if ( $this->cta_button['button_color'] || $this->cta_button['text_color'] ) {
$cutom_css = "
#wp-admin-bar-booster-top-button a.ab-item,
#wp-admin-bar-twb_adminbar_info .twb_admin_bar_menu_header:not(.twb_not_optimized),
#wp-admin-bar-booster-top-button a.ab-item:hover,
#wpadminbar:not(.mobile) .ab-top-menu>#wp-admin-bar-booster-top-button:hover>.ab-item {
background-color: " . $this->cta_button['button_color'] . " !important;
color: " . $this->cta_button['text_color'] . " !important;
wp_add_inline_style(self::PREFIX . '-global', $cutom_css);
wp_register_script(self::PREFIX . '-circle', $this->plugin_url . '/assets/js/circle-progress.js', $required_scripts, '1.2.2');
array_push($required_scripts, self::PREFIX . '-circle');
wp_register_script(self::PREFIX . '-global', $this->plugin_url . '/assets/js/global.js', $required_scripts, self::VERSION);
wp_localize_script(self::PREFIX . '-global', 'twb', array(
'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('twb_nonce'),
'ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'),
'plugin_url' => $this->plugin_url,
'href' => $this->submenu_url,
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by