Hi Nikola,
thanks for the quick answer including the honest description of the unpleasant situation. It would be sad if this program (or parts of it) is added to the series of commercial plugins.
For a public calendar sync there’s the following scenario:
– one “location”
– two “services” (60min, 120min)
– two “workers” (same timeslots) with different email addresses, e.g. [email protected] and [email protected]
id / location / service / worker
# 1 location1, service1, worker1 (08-22) (mon-sun) (working)
# 2 location1, service2, worker1 (08-22) (mon-sun) (working)
# 3 location1, service1, worker2 (08-22) (mon-sun) (working)
# 4 location1, service2, worker2 (08-22) (mon-sun) (working)
For each booking the fields username (=booking user) and email (=booking user’s email) are mandatory. The EA fields ($service, $worker) have to be transmitted as “description” in google calendar.
Within a calendar sync (public, shared and granted access to the above listed email-addresses) both “workers” entries would be visible to everyone. A sync in one direction (from EA to google) would be sufficient in that case.
That might be a much more easier solution than a desirable java script calendar where all contributors (in addition to the booking user) are visible. And might be edited (delete/change) from the creator (=logged in wp-user) in a kind of self booking system (without pending status).
Kind Regards