Google and Facebook snippet preview don’t show the featured image
For 3-4 days I have been experiencing an issue with the preview of my blog posts in Google and Facebook. When I try to post my blog articles on my Facebook page, the featured photo I’ve chosen doesn’t appear in the preview.
Instead, my logo appears, or when I try to share the link on Facebook, a random profile photo from my blog appears…I tried to use Facebook Debugger and it shows this: “Inferred PropertyThe ‘og:image’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.Missing PropertiesThe following required properties are missing: og:URL, og:type, og:title, og:image, og:description, fb:app_id”
I honestly have no idea what this means, as I have a chosen image (with title, description and everything) for each blog post of mine that should be in the preview when someone shares it. Lots of people said I should just try scraping it again and again until Facebook gets a good image. I tried but it’s not working.
Until some days ago I had no problem with it. I tried to solve the problem with my Yoast SEO plugin as well, but I can’t. Yoast SEO doesn’t show any photo in the preview snippet, even if I choose it. I removed the featured photo and uploaded a new one, it appeared, then I updated the page and it disappeared. I also chose an extra photo for Facebook on the Socials page of the Yoast SEO, but Facebook still doesn’t show the photo. I cleared the cache everywhere, no result.
I did not have this problem before, and the preview always showed the image I have chosen, and Facebook didn’t have a problem with the preview photo either. I have no idea what happened with the Yoast SEO plugin and why it doesn’t show my chosen photo for Google and Facebook.I would appreciate your help. Thank you so much,
Zsuzsanna Paluska
deertraveler.comThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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