• I don’t get this. My website is https://www.infrasupport.com. I installed Google Analytics by Yoast and it reported results for a couple days. But now when I look at Google Analytics, Google tells me:

    Status: Tracking Not Installed
    Last checked: Jan 3, 2015 11:33:04 PM PST
    The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website’s home page. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.

    Google then shows a little box with the code it says I need on each page. Here is the code Google says I need, followed by the code actually inserted by the Yoast plugin. They’re similar but not identical.

      (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
      ga('create', 'UA-39807603-1', 'auto');
      ga('send', 'pageview');

    And here is the code actually inserted when I activate the plugin and go though the authentication in my website WP dashboard. Note it’s slightly different than the code Google suggests should be inserted.

    <!-- This site uses the Yoast Google Analytics plugin v5.2.7 - Universal enabled - https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/google-analytics/ -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    		(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
    	__gaTracker('create', 'UA-39807603-1', 'auto');
    	__gaTracker('set', 'forceSSL', true);
    	__gaTracker('require', 'displayfeatures');

    I’ve tried in the plugin both manually putting in the UA code and the copy and past method. Neither makes a difference. What is going on?

    Is this relevant? I had a disaster here on Dec. 20 and had to rebuild the website by hand. So the website today is all new content, mostly copied and pasted from archives. Would Google somehow reject my UA code even though this is the code Google tells me to use?


    – Greg Scott


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  • Brian


    I have today installed the Yoast plugin and I also get this outcome.

    Truthfully, it’s best to avoid bad plugin versions by waiting until there’s enough feedback on them that marks them as “working”.

    Once again, my advice at this point would be to downgrade to v2.5.3 of the plugin and await the next working version.

    Hi Guys,

    Read your thread and can relate. On 12/16 I updated to Yoast version 5.2.8, which has issues with WP 4.0 & 4.1. I added a comment to a thread (which I have been unable to locate now after a brief search) but there were 100’s of people experiencing the same issue.

    I had my database admin revert my site to the previous version and it has all worked as it was prior to the update to Yoast plugin.

    The old version is the answer. The lack of response from Yoast has been a shock to me. If they won’t address it, people will move on. It’s too bad, I quite liked Yoast.



    Thanks galbaras and JohnnyMidrange. I’m going to, as you say, move on. I’ve deactivated it and will try a different solution.

    You’re welcome @brianmcculloch2014.

    I found the thread I referenced here. The response from Yoast could be considered tepid at best, underwhelming at least. Amazed they closed it as “Resolved.”


    People, people, let’s be fair to Joost here. There is a clear statement that in order to get support, we need to buy the premium plugin and that’s really OK. The man has a right to enjoy his plugin success.

    Let’s just practice care with updates. The www.remarpro.com plugin pages show clear community feedback through “working” scores, ratings, reviews and the support forum. It’s wise not to update too quickly and it’s quite possible to backtrack when things go wrong.

    Overall, Yoast SEO is a very good and easy to use plugin, which is being maintainted regularly to keep up with WordPress and SEO changes. It’s still me preferred SEO plugin, so I’m still running v2.5.3 and waiting for the next working update.

    @galbaras you make great points and I agree wholeheartedly.

    Off topic for this thread, but has anyone used the premium version and would care to elaborate on your experience?



    I found this thread as I was having the exact same issues. I upgraded the plugin on 2/13/15 (I forget to what version, but I keep my plugins updated regularly – at least every few weeks) and my tracking code died. I didn’t find out till 2 week later when I went to GA and saw my stats flatline to zero since.

    The only way I can make it work is to DISABLE the Universal Analytics feature whereas it is enabled on my GA account. (and has been for as long as I can remember – at least a year since I took this site over)

    Odd, since I run this plugin on at least 2 dozen different sites, with about 6-8 of them very active which I check often and keep up with the settings, etc. But all of those have continued to work.

    Makes me wonder if there’s a plugin conflict on this particular site.

    Gal Baras


    After waiting a few releases, I’ve installed the latest one on several sites and they seem to be collecting data just fine.

    Something to consider here: I normally turn off tracking for logged in users, other than customers and subscribers. If you’ve disabled too many roles, there will be no tracking.

    @blakemiller, you should do a differential diagnosis here and figure out what makes the site with the problem different from the other ones: theme, plugins, settings, etc. Also, look in your browser console and in error_log files (root, wp-admin and active theme) for any clues.

    Thread Starter gregscott


    I might be able to help. I haven’t done anything about this with the website I originally posted about, https://www.infrasupport.com. That one is still the same. But I just put another website into production, https://www.bullseyebreach.com, and that one does have Universal Tracking turned on and seems to be working just fine.

    Both websites are behind the same firewall, but I’ve made some rule changes since then for HTTPS and FTP. That may be significant. Each is on a different virtual machine, but both came from the same template. wp-config.php is a little different on the bullseyebreach.com website. The bullseyebreach.com website has a newer version of the plugin.

    The good news is, I now have a working website in the same environment as the non-working website, but now updated. After I get some sleep, I’lll try to turn on Universal Tracking again on the Infrasupport website and update the GA plugin to the latest and greatest and see how it behaves.

    On support in general for this plugin – I’m disappointed. I even wrote up the problem on github but got nowhere. The feedback I read from the plugin developers is, it’s something environmental and they closed the case. That’s not good customer service. Even if the plugin is free, this is presumably the base for paying customers. If it’s something environmental – and it probably is – how about some guidance? Some kind of documentation, a troubleshooting guide, something. Why make your users — who are evaluating whether or not to invest in your premium product — independently guess by trial and error? It’s not a confidence builder.

    – Greg

    Thread Starter gregscott


    As long as we’re on this topic – how do you test Google Analytics? Instead of waiting for hours for a timeout, I want to try configuration changes and then click a button to see the effect. Is there a way to do that?

    – Greg

    Thread Starter gregscott


    I may have a tentative solution – at least a direction to try.

    I mentioned a couple posts ago that I am now hosting two websites:

    https://www.infrasupport.com and

    The Infrasupport website was first and it had the problem with Universal Tracking. Bullseyebreach worked just fine.

    Day before yesterday, I checked the Universal Tracking checkbox with Infrasupport and this time I still see Google Analytics data. What’s different but common to both websites? It has to be firewall rules. I made a couple firewall rule changes, including a rule to support HTTPS. I have a hunch that’s the difference. I’ll bet all these websites with Universal Tracking problems are with hosting providers that don’t support HTTPS, only HTTP. See if you can get your hosting provider to allow HTTPS to your websites and if the Universal Tracking problem goes away after that.

    And assuming I stumbled onto a solution, I’m still disappointed I had to find it by trial and error. Environmental requirements like that should be documented.

    I’m not going to check the “Mark as resolved” box yet until somebody else is able to verify what I found.

    – Greg

    Marc Ravaris


    Hi All,

    Glad I found this thread, same problem here with 5.2.8. Installed in Jan, 2015, worked fine until Feb. 22, then stopped tracking. Also same problem aand solution, when ‘Univerasal Tracking’ checked in plug-in, Google Analytics gets no info. Have gone back to manual installation until fixed.




    Guys, I’ve just had to fix this same thing for a client. I’m not sure if it’s solved the problem yet as I’ve literally just this second written the code for it, but this code will remove the “forceSSL” part of the analytics code (tested on v5.3.2)..

    if( ! function_exists('crgeary_force_non_ssl_yoast_analytics'))
    	function crgeary_force_non_ssl_yoast_analytics($arguments)
    		$key = array_search("'set', 'forceSSL', true", $arguments);
    		if(isset($arguments[$key])) unset($arguments[$key]);
    		return $arguments;
    	add_filter('yoast-ga-push-array-universal', 'crgeary_force_non_ssl_yoast_analytics');

    Ah, I’m not alone. I’m going to follow some of this through and report back.

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