Thank you a lot for your kind support and advise. I have disabled both pluigins (Analytify and WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro and I have followed the article instruction.
I have a question please 3 questions pleas:
1- in the article it mentions:
“Enable every feature you already enabled in other Analytics tags (like display features, enhanced link attribution, etc.) or select your Google Analytics settings variable if you have created one previously”
How can i do that? i’m not sure i have enabled features.
2- In Step 9, i didn’t understand the warning what does it mean and should i setup product impression tracking.
This step is only needed if you set the “Products per impression” option to a value grather than 0 (zero).
3- Just to confirm, I should add the below funnel in Google Analytics >> Ecommerce settings?
1. Billing data
2. Shipping data
3. Shipping method
4. Payment method
Thank you again for your kind support