Google Adsense Problems and Notice
Hi, we are writting because Google Adsense sended a notice about TFC 2.0:
– Error: 2.1a
– Description: Tag or SDK isn’t receiving a TC string due to CMP status being stub, loading, or error.
– Suggested action to take: Ask your CMP to make sure that their APIs are properly implemented based on the IAB TCF tech spec.Please, could you help to solve this problem after implementing TFC 2.0 from Quantcast?
Thanks in advance!
@goddamnnoise I believe the 1.1 errors codes are seeing are just users who did not give Google consent. The description states “Google, as a vendor, is not allowed under consent or legitimate interest.” Which can simply mean the user rejected consent for google. Unless you are seeing the 1.1 error on an unusually large portion of traffic it is very likely just users not giving google consent.
We are actively looking at the 2.1a error.
@rbaronqc Thank you for the message. we would be expecting your update on the support channel here with any progress.
@rbaronqc Yes, I got to the same conclusion about the 1.1 errors.
@here the team here an Quantcast has put together guidance to show the reasoning and steps to address the various error codes. That information been posted in on the Quantcast Help Center here Please take a look at the reasoning and guidance the the error codes. We also have some additional google Choice Google specific documents in the help center here
I am working on a sticky post to add to the support here that covers some of the more frequent error code cases.
@ibiza69 @goddamnnoise specifically on the 2.1a error code we believe it is likely caused when Google loads before the CMP responds. I am not sure how you are adding Google tags to your site, but if you are not blocking Google tags until after Choice Responds that is likely causing the issue here. If you are using GTM to add your Google tags you can check the option in the WP admin page for the Choice plugin to push consent signals to the data layer. If you use that feature along with GTM you can setup a trigger group to load your Google Tags once the page loads and Choice loads.
@rbaronqc I get an errore 2.1a from Google but the cause is not a misconfiguration but the server response error 403 on the call
I have tried with the same account on other websites of mine with the same result.
Then I sign up for another account and with other two websites and I got the same error.
I have tried to copy and paste the URL on a browser: same error.
Do you think I can give you my ID’s so that you can try the real issue or it is not allowed to release personal ID’s in the forum?
Thank you for your helpGood morning @rbaronqc, we don’t use Google Tag Manager, so we can’t underestand how to fix this situation. All instructions are confussing, we where all morning since 6am reading all documnents provided, but there are so lot, that we just don’t underestand where to start with them or how them affect our sites, which options do we have to turn on/off, etc….
Here is our config: we have to change or update anything there?
And about section CONTENT SEGMENTS it doesn′t load, keeps trying to load, but doesn’t finish, don′t know what is for, but maybe you didn′t know about this: you, could this hopefully be easier for users on how to use Quantcast?
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
Hi. We also have the same problem with Quantcast. Description: Tag or SDK isn’t receiving a TC string due to CMP status being stub, loading, or error.
Suggested action to take:
Ask your CMP to make sure that their APIs are properly implemented based on the IAB TCF tech spec.
Hope to find a solution.@rbaronqc Thanks a lot for that information. We’re using GTM so I’m going to read all the linked documents and try to figure it out.
We experience other problem with Quantcast choice. After the user accept the consent, no ads loading and we got this error:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘…’ from origin ‘siteurl’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.
If we delete the quantcast choice from the site, the ads are appearing.
What could cause this problem?Thanks.
@rbaronqc Hi, I wanted to point out that since August 12 we also encounter errors 2.1a and 4.1 and 5.1 from Google. We have implemented Quantcast to the latest version and correctly inserted the universal tag as we have done before, but the error persists for several days. We do not use Google Tag Manager or Quantcast plugin. The universal tag is inserted inside the header so that it is called immediately. How can we solve?
@arthuroadam can you start a separate topic
@rbaronqc Any solution regarding the error 2.1a to solve the problem.
@goddamnnoise if your using GTM I made a GTM container with the 4 necessary variables and 8 example triggers that you can download here and import into your GTM. The container has a Non IAB example and IAB (Google Advertising Products) example with the following trigger types:
– A trigger, by vendor name, which fires a tag as soon as the consent window closes, and the user has granted the tag consent to fire.
– A trigger, by vendor id, which fires a tag as soon as the consent window closes, and the user has granted the tag consent to fire.
– A trigger which blocks a tag from firing if consent has not been granted to the tag.
– A trigger group which fires the tag after consent has been granted to the tag and some other trigger has fired as well (e.g. a DOM Ready trigger). This is useful for deferring tags that fire during page load to wait for consent to be granted before allowing them to fire.You can read more about the different trigger types in the guide here
Here is an example video of importing a similar container (it is recommended that you create a New Workspace).
In the help center guide here starting at Triggers Non-IAB Vendor Tag Blocking and Firing (Such as Hotjar, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc) you can see the steps for creating a Non-IAB vendor tag that may be helpful as well as the only difference for these purposes is the GTM variable/string (iab vs non iab) that is used by the different triggers.
Hopefully this Google tag manager container import and above trigger info/guides can help you get your tags/triggers set in GTM.
@redsoccerinfo I created a sticky topic here to try to get the different error codes in a single channel. I posted some initial information and one possible way to test if this error is being caused by Google Advertise Tags loading before consent is captured. However, the solution can become difficult there are different ways in which people add tags to their site. We have the most documentation around using GTM to block/allow tags in the help center there are lots of different ways in which tags can be added it it can be difficult to prevent tags from firing until after the CMP returns consent as the one of primary objectives of almost every tag is to fire as early as possible. Can you give me any more information about how google tags get added to your site? Using GTM? Directly in code? Using a plugin?
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
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