• Hey there all. My website is https://www.montrealrampage.com.
    Here’s my problem.

    I added the responsive google adsenese code to my header. In safari, the leaderboard (728 px ad) displays. In Chrome, I get a much smaller ad. It’s driving me crazy! I want the leaderboard ad to display whenever the page is seen at full size on the web! Is it Google? Is it something I’m doing wrong? Is it the browser? Help!!!!

    Does anyone have a suggestion what I can do to ensure that I get leaderboard sized in chrome. The responsive ad is at least useful in so far as it adjusts as the site adjusts to smaller devices (mobile)

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  • do both browsers have absolutely the same screen size?

    where did you get the responsive google adsense code from?

    Thread Starter rachel_rampage


    well, here’s another interesting aspect to the whole problem. Turns out, the leaderboard ad displays on all my category page headers and the plain old post page headers. It’s just the main/home page where there is a problem.

    google adsense code came from google adsense itself. WHen generating the ad code, I chose to make it so it could work on responsive screens. I’ve not made any modifications to it.

    What is wrong with my main/home page in chrome? Have I maxed this page out on google ad sense code or something by testing it over and over and over again??

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