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  • @uriahs-victor If you are pasting in regular ad code then ads won’t appear, you will need to insert AMP ads. Regular ads are usually JavaScript based, and with JavaScript being restricted in AMP the ads will not appear.

    If you are already inserting AMP ad code then there could be an issue with where you are placing ads. If you are placing them in widgets or using shortcodes placed into your theme files they won’t appear in reader mode, as this mode features its own AMP templates, as opposed to using your active WordPress theme.

    If you want to share your URL I can confirm.



    Currently I suspect I have the same issue on my site which is in Reader mode
    here is an example post:

    there should be at least 6 adsense ads on side (widget) + on the post itself there should be 2 ads one after the other of size 250X300 closer to the start of the post, followed by 90×720 ad, then at the end of the post there should be 2 ads one after the other of size 250X300.

    Thank you for confirmation as well as exact specific best solution to implement,as soon as possible now.

    Keep up the good work

    @android1pro If you want to open a new support topic in relation to ads in your reader mode site we would be happy to assist. You can use this guide as a reference to place ads on your AMP WordPress site, with some links to plugins that can assist.

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