I’m as confused as the rest of you. I have Google ads on Can’t Boil Water, no hack/plugin needed. It’s a simple copy/paste of code snippet.
Unless I’m missing something and am not understanding the original question???
If you are thinking about hacking google adword’s I’m going to have to say
‘Yes” there is a way but is it worth it? Maybe! For the fact it will pay you a
big check … But It’s probably a law-suit or in the since of cheating (GOOGLE)
with a plugin hack! For the plugin hack to hack google adwords I would have
to say use Ifaker ??
You can insert adsense if you have TextControl plugin installed then you can insert javascript code for adsense directly into your posts. Or you can use blogging client like this https://bytescout.com/post2blog_inserting_adsense_code.html