Hi rabbo,
I am a bit confused now about whether I understood your initial question correctly.
I thought you might want to know about displaying Google Ad Manager tags between posts. Now, it seems like you wanted to ask whether you can use AdSense through Google Ad Manager.
Let me just answer both questions, just in case.
1. Using Google Ad Manager tags between posts
You can use Google Ad Manager tags with Advanced Ads as explained here.
Once you created the ad, you can place the body tag also between posts on archive pages. This is either possible through custom code in your theme or using the Post List placement in Advanced Ads Pro. You can find all options on this page.
Feel free to ask a follow up question about the custom code here, if you have one.
2. Using AdSense through Google Ad Manager
Yes, you can do that, but it is out of the scope of Advanced Ads. In GAM, you can set up AdSense as fallback to other ads. It is just a click you need to enable there.
You can find a quick overview of this in the GAM Help.
Please let me know if you need anything else.