Google ??
Installed to try it out…and only Facebook and Twitter share options are showing up. Where’s Google+?
Hello Kahil!
Perhaps there is some problem with your browser or your theme, because Google Plus works in every blog that I know of. For example, are you able to see it here? :
It isn’t a theme issue as I use the share code manually in several other places on my site.
I gave you the address and you didn’t bother to let me know if you was able to see the Google Plus among the Facebook and Tweeter buttons popping up.
I guess you don’t need more help, thus I close this thread. Just don’t underestimate your intelligence: so many people use the plugin and I’ve tested it in many blogs, you had to be more cautious before you even think to open a thread, just in case some browser addon or anything in your configuration causes problems. Then, after you open a thread, at least have the courtesy to answer the questions addressed to you.
Wow…talk about rude and poor customer service skills. Really? Talking down to a user just because you didn’t get an instant response on the internet? Grow up. No, I don’t need any further help because I manually put the EXACT same code in and it is working for me. It’s a plugin issue, not a theme issue.
You are not my customer, I haven’t sold you anything. And, you continue to underestimate your intelligence. If it is a plugin issue, how would you explain that it works for everyone else, except you?
Underestimate my intelligence? You realize that lame jab doesn’t work in your favor right?
How do I know? Did you not read what I wrote there kiddo? I put in the exact same sharing code manually and it works perfectly. Hrmmm…. If it doesn’t work using your plugin, but does when I manually put the code into my functions file to inject there…what does that tell you?
Grow up. You provide a product, free or not, the users using it are your customers. Welcome to the adult world. **golf clap**
Still failing to answer my question: how would you explain that it works for everyone else, except you?
Everyone else? You make it sound like your plugin is widely used. /smh
Again…work on your reading comprehension. If I use the EXACT same sharing codes, place them in the EXACT same place in the woocommerce template…and it works! Your plugin does not show the Google+ section. Likely because your plugin isn’t looking to see if the script snippet needed to show the Google+ section is already active on the site.
Seriously, get over yourself and learn to be a professional. If you can’t reply to users without being rude or immature, then don’t bother replying.
I guess I was wrong; perhaps you don’t underestimate it, but this IS your intelligence.
“Widely used” is a vague expression. If you wanted you could have managed to notice that there have been more than a thousand downloads. If the plugin was not looking to see if some snippet was already loaded, a lot of people would have problems. Or for any other reason, if the plugin was defective in other ways.
I like your temper and enjoy your trying to make insults, but still it would be better for you, if you tried to understand why the plugin works on each and every other site, except yours.
Wow…you can’t even toss an inault. You meant to say “overestimate”. /smh
Downloads doesn’t equal active users. Nice try.
My insults? You realize you saying that makes you a complete hypocrite right? Obviously not. Grow up.
Notice how you ignored what was stated? That if I manually slap the share codes into the woocommerce template file it works? Hrmmm… Looks like you’re more interested on winning the internet than reading. Try adding an if/then statement to your code to check to see if the script to display the share button is already active on the site. /smh
I can be sure now, you don’t underestimate it, this IS your intelligence!
I cannot make a comment on what you did with woocommerce, because I don’t know what do you mean by “the same” code, and I don’t really need to care for that. The plugin works for any other user, except you. I even sent you to a blog that uses it right now, and you failed to give me this simple information, if you are able to see the Gplus button popping up along with FB and Twitter. But you are keep mentioning my age (kiddo), which you don’t even know!
Thanks for proving my point. Hypocrite.
Same code? Can you not read? I stated in plain English that I pasted in the exact same SHARE codes. As in the code used to display the share buttons. Wow…
Talk about rude and immature. Reported.
I don’t really need to care for that. The plugin works for any other user, except you. I even sent you to a blog that uses it right now, and you failed to give me this simple information, if you are able to see the Gplus button popping up along with FB and Twitter.
Well that explains it, your reading comprehension skills are lacking. Try reading again. Take note where I stated that your code isn’t checking to see if the initializing scripts aren’t already active in the site. Wow…
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