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  • I agree! I build websites for authors and many of them want a Goodreads icon.

    Plugin Contributor Nick C


    Thanks for the request! I can’t make any promises, but I’ve passed both of your votes on to our development team. ??

    Thread Starter Michelle Lowery


    Thanks, Nick! ??

    Thank you, Nick!

    Thread Starter Michelle Lowery


    Hi Nick!

    I wanted to check in on this and see whether there’s been any positive response to the initial suggestion.

    Now that I’ve published my first book, have a Goodreads author profile, and am getting book reviews there as well as on Amazon, having a Goodreads icon on my site has become even more important.

    If it could possibly be added to the plugin, I’d be so grateful! Thank you! ??

    Plugin Contributor Nick C


    Hi Michelle

    Thanks for checking in about this. I have fed the request back to the StudioPress team, but no firm decisions have been made just yet that I can report back – sorry about that!

    At the moment, none of the popular icon fonts (which is what Simple Social Icons uses to display each icon) offer a Goodreads icon, although it’s certainly a very popular request in the icon font world too!

    I’ll continue to monitor things and press the case for you, though – thanks for your patience. ??

    Thread Starter Michelle Lowery


    No apology necessary! I appreciate your response.

    Wow, it IS a popular request! With the explosion of self-publishing, I’m sure a lot of other indie authors are keen to add it to their site.

    Thanks again for following up. I’ll keep my fingers crossed! ??

    Have a great day!

    Just want to add that I also would like to have the Goodreads icon added to the plugin. Unfortunately I have to switch to another plugin now for an author’s site I am working on, unless this is something which will be available within the next two weeks, possibly?

    I just wanted to chime in and say that having a Goodreads icon included in the Simple Social Icons would be great! There are a lot of book bloggers out there who I am sure would appreciate it as well.

    Has there been any further discussion on this with the developers?

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