• I’m looking for a web host that offers a 100+ MB of space, CFMX, PHP, MySQL, Access, and support for both Moveable Type AND WordPress for around or less than $10.00/month … any one know of a good one? Reliable, etc?

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  • Fan of https://www.icdsoft.com. For $60/year, PHP/MySQL support, 333 mB space, 5 GB transfer, 99 mailboxes. I’m running a PHP gallery, a wordpress install, a couple of PHP surveys and a three-flavor frozen yopgurt machine off mine and haven’t had any problems.

    I second WebSlog on that ??

    Try https://dreamhost.com/ . For your $9.95 per month you will get a lot more then you asked for.
    I’m working with them for 4 years now, and they are Super reliable.

    any body know where I can get free cold fusion hosting
    space : no required amout
    other file types : php,perl/cgi
    no databases needed I have that on my own system

    Try https://www.jodohost.com … I think they offer Cold Fusion….. but I do know that it isn’t free. I’ve never seen anyone offer it for free (primarily because of licensing cost severl pretty pennies).
    As for 1 and 1…. I’ve got my site with them. They’ve had their problems, but every complaint I’ve raised to them has gotten action. Even their Control Panel got improved. It used to be that it only worked in IE, and that it was veeeeery slooooow. They were either already working on it, or did it because I mentioned something, or enough people complained, because the next month it started working in FF/Mozi and speed improved greatly.
    I happen to be one of those people who got in on the free deal, and think it’s great – not too keen on the one mySQL DB, but I can work around that if I need to.

    I might shy away from bloghosts. I can’t get any support help from them lately. I told a friend they were great and he has had nothing but problems. I’m looking for a new host

    I second TotalChoiceHosting.
    They Rock

    webhost4life is awesome. Been with them since they started for 4 years now. Never had problems, and tech service is hands down the greatest.
    Oh, and I was in it when hosting was one shot. haven’t paid for my 100MB’s of space for the past 4 years too!

    bloghosts is gone, my domain seems to be gone too :(:(:(

    I’d be crazy not to mention that I run a web hosting company.. Quabbo… Quabbo has plans starting at 15.00 per month, and we offer the Zend Performance Suite and Urchin Statistics at no charge.

    I recommend https://www.mxhub.com . $3/mth for PHP,mySQL,support for both Moveable Type AND WordPress.
    They had install both scripts for you free of charge. Just send a request and they will do it for you free.

    Hi, I am Mike the owner of https://www.valvehosting.com
    Just wanted to let everyone know that we have added a special WORDPRESS BLOG PACKAGE its only $2.50 per month and with pre-installed wordpress and lots of other features. We already host over 50 wordpress users and so far everyone seems to be very happy!

    CHeck it out on https://www.valvehosting.com

    I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned Dreamhost; unlimited domains, huge amounts of bandwidth and space, unlimited MySQL databes, $7.95 a month and a 3 month money back guarantee.

    I’ve got a code where you can $50 off any of their prepaid hosting packages, too: cannycat50
    (it makes 2 years hosting about $150)

    I looked at Dream Host because I had heard and seen good things about them. My issue was that on their webmail the size of sending mail attachments is limited to 2MB.

    FreshlyPressed More than just a webhost – specialised WordPress support as well. Probably only going to be open to a set amount of customers. Quality over quantity but at a realistic price.

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