Me too, but it seems that CSS questions go unanswered a lot so I figured this wasn’t the site to ask . . .
but let’s test that theory, shall we?
I hate trying to get things to work in IE. It looks as it should in FF and Opera (don’t have a Mac to test on, but I assume it’s cool there too) . . .
But IE is pushing the content down and over. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Ok, well looking at your actual CSS (which I had to dig for because you didn’t provide a link and I hope it’s the right one), you have two errors that I’ve never seen before. I suppose, considering one is a parse error, they could be the problem. Any “good” CSS site is going to request that you validate both the CSS and XHTML first, as it makes it easier to debug the code.
Fixed the CSS errors and it now validates. Somehow I managed to repeat the end lines a couple times over, so it was reading that and going “wtf?”.
I’ll check into the xhtml validation, but I don’t think that’s what is causing the problem.
.storytitle {
clear: both; <————–kill that line
height: auto;
margin: 0px 0px 5px 15px;
That sorts the FF view.
Do that change and I’ll take a look in IE
Oddly, the #rap is actually centered, but the divs within it are not being good divs…..
I’ll stare again – though with IE’s quirks, it might take a while…..