• So, I’m interested in the idea of making an online magazine or newspaper. (more akin to the Onion or Salon than a blog)
    What would everyone suggest I use?

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  • Pick yours at https://opensourcecms.com after trying out the different ones ??

    Robot, you could certainly use WP. I use it for CHAITGEAR.
    If you are looking for a more e-zine look (articles updated once a week, etc.), you’ll need to do some customization. Some of my current (and upcoming) plugins/hacks may help some, but any of the systems out there will need some level of tweaking to get your desired result. ??

    I use WP with a number of news and information sites – and combine it with MiniBB and DWODP for extra functionality. But to be honest although i love wp its not ideal at the moment and as david says hopefully more of the plugins and hacks will help make it easier to turn WP into a fully fledged CMS. In the meantime heres a few of my thoughts about the others out there.
    Textpattern – its lovely, its gorgeous, but its complicated to get exactly the way you want it – also I don’t know about user control with it.
    Drupal – Solid and reliable with good user managment – but admin side isn’t that good
    PHP-Nuke/Post Nuke – sadly the Nuke’s have spent the last few years adding more clutter to the system without actually improving the core functionality – definately not reconmmended
    Mambo – excellent CMS – i ‘ve ran into a few problems with component installation and also USer groups/permissions but This is what i use for
    If theres only one or two admins/publishers mambo is okay but if your looking for more publishers then i’d wait for the next version due soon
    Ezpublish – not that ez in my opinion – powerful but complicated to deploy

    Essentially what your talking about is doing
    h1 WAR! /h1
    h2 Germany invades Poland /h2
    h3 Europe is quite distressed on the matter /h3
    h4 Americans worried about cheese supply /h4
    Which isn’t an easy thing to do in any CMS without having 4 invidual header categories in the database that powers it . everything else is fairly straight forward with the above scripts.
    I was starting to think that you could do it by putting in the title field
    “h1 WAR! /h1 h2 Germany invades Poland /h2 h3 Europe is quite distressed on the matter /h3 h4 Americans worried about cheese supply /h4” (With relevent < of course )
    – but most CMS’s will convert the < and /> into ascii character codes.
    If I were you I would use Mambo (which has good control over frontpage article listing (i.e you can have ‘headlines’ which aren’t really possible with Textpattern or WP)) and then use the excerpt section to add your second tier headlines eg
    TITLE : WAR (rendered as h1 automatically by your template)
    h2 Germany invades Poland /h2
    h3 Europe is quite distressed on the matter /h3
    h4 Americans worried about cheese supply /h4
    …..well the text.
    Its not ideal …. but you do have a very odd layout…

    Thread Starter RobotHero


    I might need to pick one that can be modified into what I want. That’s why I said I’m looking for a .php-based system.
    And most of the articles have only a title and subtitle. I was picking the worst-case scenario I’ve encountered.

    Props – https://props.sf.net
    PHP-Revista – https://php-revista.sf.net (in spanish)
    SPIP – https://spip.net

    I’ve been looking for a magazine formate template also. I think what some of you dont relise is that unlike a blog, a magazines articles are only previewed on the main page with a titile, short discription and a link to the artcle thats on a seprate page. Alot of the links you guys suggested are just blogs that cal them selves magazines. If any one knows of a good script that only previews the articles on the front page I would be vary thankfull for a link, wordpress or otherwise.

    Campsite? see it @ https://www.campware.org

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