• Looking only at the reviews/ratings, this plugin appears to work for a lot of people right out of the box. That said, I have a sneaking suspicion many more people install it, have problems that simply cannot be remedied, then give up on it without leaving a negative review (most people prefer to leave no review at all than leave a negative one).

    We tried to get this to work every which way and then some, but no matter what we tried it broke pages, was willy-nilly about when it did serve a page via HTTPS and repeatedly locked us out of login/admin (“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page”) with the only remedy being deleting the plugin and (trying to) start over. Which cropped up a whole new batch of problems, the main one being an immediate return of all previous settings in spite of the plugin having been completely removed.

    We do have a pretty complex caching schema going on for all of the sites we tried this plugin on, but even with all of that completely off all of the problems persisted across a range of machines. Perhaps a database issue or an APC issue… who knows really, but the bottom line is that it didn’t work for us with many of the issues we experienced being utterly inexplicable.

    Further, the documentation for the plugin is poor, which is verified, I think, by so many people asking the exact same questions and having the exact same problems: I.e. ‘locked out’, ‘insufficient permission’, ‘redirect loops’ etc etc etc. Not all of these people are idiots who have not read the FAQ, install guide, or undergone any sort of troubleshooting. Indeed, we, ourselves, spent an entire day trying to sort the thing out going so far as to literally read every singe support request ever made.

    Lastly: go ahead and check out the support section for yourself to see what’s going to happen should you run into an issue.

    I understand the plugin is free. But to be frank – it should be.

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