Hi Maria,
I rated it 1 because I couldn’t get it to work on my site due to compatibility issues. The settings panel appears to be incomplete when the plugin is installed in this theme.
I, in conjunction with the theme’s developers, have been trying to find a suitable plugin to add to one of our sites. For the record their assessment was:
The plugin does seem to activate correctly, but I noticed that there is a menu conflict, and also a lightbox conflict. There also seems to be some layout compatibility issues with MultiFlex.
You might try loading wp property in MultiFlex, and create a property or two.
It looks like a good real estate plugin, but at this moment my conclusion is that it and we have some class conflicts which require a bridge.
I installed your plugin and tried to create a test property but because the settings page seemed to have problems I could not complete all fields required.
We have based our other 6 sites on the Striking Multiflex theme so it’s not really feasible to base this site on a different theme.
My assessment of functionality is based on what your support material says the plugin can do whereas my score of 1 is based on what I could actually achieve with it on my site.
If you can get an e-mail address to me I’d be happy to forward you the discussion with James of the Striking Multiflex development team and include you in our attempts to see if we can make the plugin work for our site.
Best rgds, David