• Good. It would be 5 stars.
    Free theme is not meeting minimal requirements to be magazine. Minus 2 stars.
    3 stars.

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  • And who exactly is defining the “minimal requirements to be magazine”?

    Thread Starter Jack.Arthur


    And who exactly is defining the “minimal requirements to be magazine”?

    I do!
    I am trying all themes on localhost now.
    Neither is a magazine.
    All are just blog.
    Using word magazine lost its meaning in themes world.

    Thread Starter Jack.Arthur


    Theme has slider, and widgets on homepage with 50×50 pixels thumbnails, and this is a magazine theme.
    I am really disappointed.

    So you are applying your own arbitrary “requirements” to these themes and then posting that they are “Bad” or just “OK” without providing any details of these “requirements”? What’s the point in doing that?

    As I have posted in response to some of your other reviews, please read:

    @jack.Arthur: I’ve just checked your ratings of other themes here in the themes directory and it seems you have a new hobby which is giving bad reviews to the majority of the available themes in the themes directory. You must be very frustrated.

    But the good thing is that there are a lot of other people here who appreciate that they can have nice WordPress themes for free. And you know what, instead of complaining and crying that no available free theme meets your requirements, you could use your time more wisely and learn coding and then just create the theme you want.

    And if that is also not possible, then just spend a few dollars and purchase a premium theme or is your opinion that everything in this world should be free? If yes, then I’m pretty sure you don’t have a job.

    Neither is a magazine.

    Please define what you mean by “magazine”.

    All are just blog.

    Perhaps you are not using the theme correctly?

    Using word magazine lost its meaning in themes world.

    Then please help us understand that you mean by “magazine”.

    @esmi: Can you (as a moderator) not just get rid of that guy? It seems his only intention here is causing trouble. He has rated several themes from the themes directory bad within a few minutes. I doubt that he has even installed and tested these themes properly, because that’s simply not possible within a few minutes. I don’t know what his intention is, but it’s definitely not an acceptable behavior.

    @mh Themes: I understand (and share) your frustration with such dubious reviews but blocking the user from the forums at this stage could be viewed as rather too draconic. For the time being, he has been placed on ‘mod-watch’, so we can keep an eye on his posts.

    Thanks Esmi.

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